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absently rubbed his forearm again. It never rubbed off.
The king gasped.  We make no mention of that!
 It doesn t change it! We are in a true crisis here. If you do not remember so well, it was
I who planned and studied and orchestrated this war!
Dis breathed out. He looked at the mirror again, it was alright. He turned back to the
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 91
commander.  Yes, and your brilliant strategy seems to involve many people escaping us. First,
both the princes. Then, you lost the crown prince in the human city. Now, you ve lost two
humans from inside our well hidden and guarded stronghold. I m surprised you did kill the king
and queen.
 None of that damaged my plan! It is merely delayed!
 What? The king pressed his hands together.  You don t think that the elves won t use
this time you ve give them? They outwitted us once.
 You cannot stab a ghost! Vlade began pacing again.  They know nothing of our
machinations or our whereabouts. We are eating their hope by taking their leadership. First,
their rulers, next their sons and then that damned baroness. They run in panic while our armies
gather. They can do nothing and soon they will realize how helpless they are. That is the
moment I will savor.
Dis frowned.  Yes, I realize. However, there are still two princes and two humans
running away! Your patrols tell me that they haven t found any of them.
Vlade snarled.  Of course not. These abandoned forests are full of those useless
cultists bastards, and elves, and everyone else hunting the bounty on the outlaw prince. Of
course none of my patrols have been successful because they can t be seen!
 Oh, good, I cannot wait until one of these groups finds this ancient relic of a castle, Dis
mocked in a sing-song voice.
 They ll think exactly what we want  that is just an abandoned castle  and that s all
they find because they won t think to dig underneath it. It s happened before and we ve not
been found. He clicked his tongue against his teeth.
 So, if we re safe here, go and find me those people. Even as we speak, those two
mortals are running toward freedom.
 There s more than two, Vlade replied dryly while scratching his chin.  They re like
insects. But, there are none who have escaped from me. He clasped his hands behind his
back and began to pace again.  Perhaps  that is to say  it would have been impossible. It s
the only logical  perhaps, they had, he swallowed,  Aid.
Dis s frown deepened.  Someone sneaked in here? His face darkened into a full blown
scowl. There was something nagging his hindbrain, and he felt that slowly tightening curl in his
gut, and yet, he couldn t form the thought that he was trying to think.
Vlade cleared his throat. His voice was much smaller than usual,  No. Someone already
The king s shoulders snapped back.  What? A spy? Hidden? Here?
 No. Now, the commander whispered. He swallowed again, and this time, gazed off at
the distant wall.  One of us.
Every muscle in Dis s body went rigid, and he felt the blood draining from his face. He
held up his hands in front of his face.  No, no. It must have been a wizard or something or
even a ghost. Maybe one of them knew magic!
Vlade dropped his eyes and shook his head. Dis stared. Here was his general who
knew no mercy, who knew sacrifice, at least to make others sacrifice. This was a man made
from Dis s own nightmares. And, this was the first time the king had ever seen him glance
The commander raised a hand, where his index finger was shaking.  The timeliness of
the calvar escape, the dead guards and we would never suspect& 
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 92
Dis was shaking his head.  That s impossible. You re creating evidence. His hands
splayed limply on the armrest.
Vlade ground his teeth.  It s& obvious. He cursed these old fashioned thoughts! He
would ve never thought like this in Darkreign! Out here, his mind was being slowly poisoned by
other races.
The king s mouth slid open. He suddenly found that he couldn t trust his loyal ranks. If
he gave an order, would it be heeded? A shiver tickled his spine.
But, the chemmen could always rely on one another. It was their race against the entire
world  it always had been. Their unity was the one thing that staved away extinction after
what the elves had done to them. It had brought them life, then peace and now they ruled
Darkreign and could at last have their vengeance. Even despite how much Vlade left a nasty
taste his mouth, he knew he could trust him with his life. His fingers slid across his own
identical calvar bite. However, they carried the same purpose  they d been linked by an
ancient magic. No chemman had stood against another chemman since  he fought hard to
think about those memories from so long past  since they were human. That s it, his mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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