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VALLEY OF SHADOWS Desiree Acuna & Juliette Barrymore 53
before helped her to dress, she directed her to join Raizar in the grand salon.
She discovered when she reached it that he had had a small table set up for two
and a meal was waiting for the two of them to break their fast.
Heartened by the delicious smells wafting to her from the table, at least, Tyra was
able to join him with more enthusiasm than she might have felt otherwise. After
searching her mind for a few moments for a topic of polite conversation, she decided to
give in to her curiosity about the city.
 I do not think that I have ever heard of this place, she said slowly.  What city
is this?
He looked surprised but pleased.  It is the ancient city of Byzantium. It was once
the heart of the  civilized world.
Tyra widened her eyes at him.  Truly? she gasped in awe and then frowned.  I
had thought it was merely a legend.
He chuckled, but there was as much derision in the sound as amusement.  I am
not surprised. The victors write history, my dear. The four kingdoms also, no doubt
legend by now, arose from the ashes of Byzantius once they had slain the Elfin king and
queen and destroyed the achievements of four hundred years of peace. In their time, the
four kingdoms also fell to the greed of man and became & pretty much what they are
today except that the Shadowlands were carved from them somewhat later when man
decided that he did not want to share this world at all with the  others , he said bitterly.
Tyra eyed him uneasily, regretting her curiosity since it seemed to have dredged
up animosity toward her own people. She did not know why, but she had not expected it.
 You & ah & were not there? she asked hesitantly.
He sent her a startled look and burst out laughing.  You are ignorant of the elfin
folk, my dear, to even ask. Nay, I was not. Our life spans are long, but not nearly that
Resentment flickered to life.  The ignorance is hardly my fault when the elfin
folk keep to themselves. I have nothing but rumors and fables to rely upon for
He studied her meditatively.  It is not your fault because you had no hand in it,
but I think you are well aware that the elfin folk indeed all of the denizens of the
Shadowlands  keep to themselves  and guard their lands well to prevent the  naturals
from taking everything. They are like locusts upon the land.
Tyra felt a blush of both embarrassment and anger.  You are as guilty of
prejudice as the  naturals you obviously despise if you are determined to paint everyone
with the same brush without giving them the benefit of doubt!
He shrugged.  True, but there is safety in assuming any natural is an enemy of
any whom they deem  unnatural . He grinned abruptly.  I am very willing to be
opened minded where you are concerned.
Before Tyra could think of a scathing remark to counter that, a commotion
outside the mansion drew their attention. Tyra was instantly alarmed since she could see
from the sudden tension in Raizar that this was not commonplace or expected. He stood
abruptly as a servant showed a group of dark elves clad in long, flowing robes into the
salon. Tyra surged to her feet, as well, but retreated to the far side of the room. Standing
her ground might have been more  queenly , but she was a queen without moral or
VALLEY OF SHADOWS Desiree Acuna & Juliette Barrymore 54
physical support and she rather thought wisdom suggested distance until she had a better
idea of what had brought the stern faced elfin men.
 The humans have breached the treaty and launched a full scale invasion of the
valley, the one who appeared to be the eldest announced without preamble.
Tyra could not see Raizar s expression from where she stood, but she saw him
stiffen.  This has been verified, Merl? he demanded sharply.
The man he had addressed compressed his lips.  At dawning a scout rode in with
the news!
Raizar cursed long and with a proficiency that stunned Tyra. He threw a glance at
her that she found hard to interpret but that made her more uneasy than she was already.
 We routed a band of them before we returned last eve.
Merl s expression was grim.  And lost many good men in the taking of yon
human wench.
 The daemon transgressed, Raizar growled.  Are you questioning my
Merl seemed to ruminate over it for a long moment.  No, Captain Raizar. We do
not question your judgment in that. It may have been wiser to dispense with the wench,
however. The army hails from Bandar and if I am not mistaken, she does also.
Raizar shrugged.  She hails from the valley now, he ground out.  The decision
of whether to take prisoners, or not, is also mine.
 Granted, but your decision is now tested. The army is dedicated to retrieving
her, we do not doubt. We have called our forces to arms.
Raizar nodded, flicking another glance at Tyra.  We will rout them or they will
not be seen beyond our borders again, he said grimly.
The council members, for Tyra had decided that was what they must be, bowed
their heads respectfully and left.
Raizar turned to study her speculatively. It unnerved Tyra, but she saw that this
was her best opportunity to return to her home.  Take me. I will turn them back! There
is no reason for any to die either among your people or mine! They are only doing
what their duty compels them to do to protect me.
His lips tightened.  I do not need your protection, your highness, he said
sardonically.  Your men may, but I do not.
 Then allow me to protect them! Tyra cried.  Release me to them and we will
turn and leave you in peace!
 They chose their path when they crossed the border, Raizar growled, a muscle
working in his lean jaw.
 Did you not avenge the trespass enough upon me last eve! Tyra cried
desperately when she saw he had no intention of turning from his duty.
He surged toward her at that, moving so swiftly she was unable to command her
feet to carry her out of harm s way. She flinched when he grasped her upper arms.  Did
that feel like revenge to you? he ground out.  Was I not tender enough? Did I give you
no pleasure?
Tyra gulped.  You were not hurtful! You did give me pleasure! I just & do not
understand why you keep me and risk war when you have assuaged your needs!
She could tell nothing about his stony expression or read the thoughts that flitted
VALLEY OF SHADOWS Desiree Acuna & Juliette Barrymore 55
in his eyes.
 Mayhap I am not done  assuaging my needs! he growled finally.  I will let
you know, princess, when I am done!
He released her abruptly and left her, bellowing to his servants as he reached the
corridor to guard his prisoner well and see to it that she did not escape. He did not look
back and the uncomfortable suspicion rose in Tyra that she had misunderstood his
She dismissed that as the serving woman and the housekeeper appeared and asked
her to return to her room. It was not a request, Tyra knew, but a politely worded threat.
She debated briefly whether to go quietly or not, but although she felt far more evenly
matched when it came to defending herself against two women, these were not mere
women. They were elfin women and, from what she had heard, the women were nearly
as fierce as warriors as their men folk. They were far stronger than  naturals from all
accounts and she did not feel up to discovering if that was true or not.
She led the way without argument, reflecting that she had a far better chance of
escaping if she gave the appearance of compliance. It was a bedchamber that they were
leading her to, after all, not a prison cell.
Now was certainly not the time to make a bid for freedom in any case with the
elfin army called to arms. Once they marched away, she felt certain they would take
most of the warriors. No doubt they would also leave defenders, but they would want to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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