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the period of which we are writing. This feeling was very naturally produced,
and, under the circumstances, was quite likely to be active in a revolution.
Although New England and New York were contiguous territories, a wide
difference existed between their social conditions. Out of the larger towns,
there could scarcely be said to be a gentry at all, in the former; while the
latter, a conquered province, had received the frame-work of the English
system, possessing Lords of the Manor, and divers other of the fragments of
the feudal system. So great was the social equality throughout the interior of
the New England provinces, indeed, as almost to remove the commoner
distinctions of civilised associations, bringing all classes surprisingly near
the same level, with the exceptions of the very low, or some rare instance of
an individual who was raised above his neighbours by unusual wealth, aided
perhaps by the accidents of birth, and the advantages of education.
The results of such a state of society are easily traced. Habit had taken the
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place of principles, and a people accustomed to see even questions of domestic
discipline referred, either to the church or to public sentiment, and who knew
few or none of the ordinary distinctions of social intercourse, submitted to
the usages of other conditions of society, with singular distaste and stubborn
reluctance. The native of New England deferred singularly to great wealth, in
1776, as he is known to defer to it to-day; but it was opposed to all his
habits and prejudices to defer to social station. Unused to intercourse with
what was then called the great world of the provinces, he knew not how to
appreciate its manners or opinions; and, as is usual with the provincial, he
affected to despise that which he neither practised nor understood. This, at
once, indisposed him to acknowledge the distinctions of classes; and, when
accident threw him into the adjoining province, he became marked, at once, for
decrying the usages he encountered, comparing them, with singular
self-felicitation, to those he had left behind him; sometimes with justice
beyond a doubt, but oftener in provincial ignorance and narrow bigotry.
A similar state of things, on a larger scale, has been witnessed, more
especially in western New York, since the peace of  83; the great inroads of
emigrants from the New England states having almost converted that district of
country into an eastern colony. Men of the world, while they admit how much
has been gained in activity, available intelligence of the practical school,
and enterprise, regret that the fusion has been quite so rapid and so
complete; it being apparently a law of nature that nothing precious that comes
of man shall be enjoyed altogether without alloy.
The condition in which captain Willoughby was now placed, might have been
traced to causes connected with the feelings and habits above alluded to. It
was distasteful to Joel Strides, and one or two of his associates, to see a
social chasm as wide as that which actually existed between the family of the
proprietor of the Knoll and his own, growing no narrower; and an active
cupidity, with the hopes of confiscations, or an abandonment of the estate,
came in aid of this rankling jealousy of station; the most uneasy, as it is
the meanest of all our vices. Utterly incapable of appreciating the width of
that void which separates the gentleman from the man of coarse feelings and
illiterate vulgarity, he began to preach that doctrine of exaggerated and
mistaken equality which says  one man is as good as another, a doctrine that
is nowhere engrafted even on the most democratic of our institutions to-day,
since it would totally supersede the elections, and leave us to draw lots for
public trusts, as men are drawn for juries. On ordinary occasions, the
malignant machinations of Strides would probably have led to no results; but,
aided by the opinions and temper of the times, he had no great difficulty in
undermining his master s popularity, by incessant and well-digested appeals to
the envy and cupidity of his companions. The probity, liberality, and manly
sincerity of captain Willoughby, often counteracted his schemes, it is true;
but, as even the stone yields to constant attrition, so did Joel finally
succeed in overcoming the influence of these high qualities, by dint of
perseverance, and cunning, not a little aided by certain auxiliaries freely
obtained from the Father of Lies.
As our tale proceeds, Joel s connection with the late movement will become
more apparent, and we prefer leaving the remainder of the explanations to take
their proper places in the course of the narrative.
Joyce was so completely a matter of drill, that he was in a sound sleep three
minutes after he had lain down, the negro who belonged to his guard imitating
his industry in this particular with equal coolness. As for the thoughtful
Scotchman, Jamie Allen, sleep and he were strangers that night. To own the
truth, the disaffection of Mike not only surprised, but it disappointed him.
He remained in the court, therefore, conversing on the subject with the
 laird, after his companions had fallen asleep.
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 I wad na hae thought that o Michael, he said,  for the man had an honest
way with him, and was so seeming valiant, that I could na hae supposed him
capable of proving a desairter. Mony s the time that I ve heard him swear--
for Michael was an awfu hand at that vice, when his betters were no near to
rebuke him -- but often has he swore that Madam, and her winsome daughters,
were the pride of his een; ay, and their delight too!
 The poor fellow has yielded to my unlucky fortune, Jamie, returned the
captain,  and I sometimes think it were better had you all imitated his
 Begging pairdon, captain Willoughby, for the familiarity, but ye re just
wrang, fra beginning to end, in the supposition. No man with a hairt in his
body wad desairt ye in a time like this, and no mair s to be said in the
matter. Nor do I think that luuk has had anything to do with Michael s
deficiency, unless ye ca it luuk to be born and edicated in a misguiding
religion. Michael s catholicity is at the bottom of his backsliding, ye ll
find, if ye look closely into the maiter.
 I do not see how that is to be made out, Allen; all sects of the Christian
religion, I believe, teaching us to abide by our engagements, and to perform
our duties.
 Na doubt -- na doubt,  squire Willoughby -- there s a seeming desire to
teach as much in a churches; but ye ll no deny that the creatur o Rome
wears a mask, and that catholicity is, at the best, but a wicked feature to
enter into the worship of God.
 Catholicism, Jamie, means adherence to the catholic church--
 Just that--just that --interrupted the Scot, eagerly--  and it s that o
which I complain. All protestants--wather fully disposed, or ainly
half-disposed, as may be the case with the English kirk -- all protestants
agree in condemning the varry word catholic, which is a sign and a symbol of
the foul woman o Babylon.
 Then, Jamie, they agree in condemning what they don t understand. I should
be sorry to think I am not a member of the catholic church myself.
Yersal ! -- No, captain Willoughby, ye re no catholic, though you are a bit
akin to it, perhaps. I know that Mr. Woods, that s now in the hands o the
savages, prays for the catholics, and professes to believe in what he ca s the
 Holy Catholic Kirk; but, then, I ve always supposed that was in the way o
christian charity like; for one is obleeged to use decent language, ye ll be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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