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 Toads, mateys. You ve never seen toads as wicked as this lot. But when that eel came slithering out of
the Screamhole & 
 Was the eel as big as a tree, Mr. Gonff?
 Twice as big, Spike. He d have eaten you without even opening his mouth.
Lady Amber chuckled drily.  Are you sure you saw mice with wings, Gonff?
 Oh, I never saw them. But Martin and Dinny did. Isn t that right, Din.
 Burr aye. Gurt leathery burdmouses, a-flyen about inside  ee mounten.
 Was that Salamandastron mountain, Mr. Dinny?
 Indeed it was not. Batchaps inside our mountain? Never!
 Fat chance, young feller me hog, what!
 Only fire, hares and badgers inside our mountain, old lad.
Gonff looked severely at Trubbs and Company.  Who s telling this story, me or you?
 Yes, please be quiet and let Mr. Gonff tell the story, Trubbs.
 Rather, he s a much better storyteller than you.
 Indeed, and isn t little Columbine pretty.
 Then there was this beach, Gonff continued enthusiastically.  Huge, big as Mossflower, nothing but
sand as far as you could see, besides the water and the crabs.
 Ooh, what s a crab, Mr. Gonff?
 Well, it s like a spider, only a hundred times bigger, with great nipping claws and lots of hard armor.
 Did you and Martin slay the big crab, Mr. Gonff?
 Er, well, no, Ferdy. Actually, I ended up dancing with it.
 Was it a pretty lady crab, Gonff?
 No, I think it was a jolly sort of male crab, Columbine.
 Oh, then that s all right.
 Here, I nearly forgot, this is a necklace of shells I made for you. Put it on.
 Oh, thank you, Gonff, it s beautiful. Are they crab shells?
 No, missie, them s shell shells, c llected  em moiself, oi did.
 While Gonff was busy dancing with the crabs, I suppose. Thank you very much, Dinny.
The mousethief chose to ignore the reference to his dancing talent and continued the narrative.
He told of the sands, the movement of mighty sea tides, of the scavenging seabirds and the dead rat
whose provisions saved their own lives. He described the meeting with Trubbs and company and how they
led the travelers to the mountain. Gonff went on to tell of the fabulous place called Salamandastron, its
halls, caves, stairs and passages. He related to his amazed audience the saga of Boar the Fighter, of his
roaring forge, gigantic battle sword and his colossal bravery in the war against the sea rats. Gonff told of
the struggle that ended with Boar and Ripfang going together to the gates of Dark Forest, and finished with
the capture of the ship Bloodwake, now called Wuddshipp.
There was a moment s complete silence, then the woodlanders flocked about him, babbling questions.
T. B. and some former oarslaves saved Gonff from further harassment by lugging large copper tubs out
from the galley.
 Right. Form a line here. It s skilly and duff time!
The young ones sniffed the savory odors as he explained,  Seafood and potato stew, that s skilly. It ll
put hairs on your chest like a giant sea dog. There s plenty of pepper and sea salt in it, too. Finish it all up
and show me a clean plate, then I ll dish you up some of my own warrior s recipe: plum and chestnut duff
in cream and beechnut sauce. Come on, there s plenty for everyone.
Night fell as Wuddshipp rode at anchor, kedged safe in midstream. Martin emerged from the cabin looking
pale and sad after the news he had related to Bella. He called the six hares to him.
 Go to the cabin, Bella wishes to talk with you, he told them.  Tell her all you know of her father and
the time you spent in his company on the mountain.
 Rely on us, old chap.
 Only the good times. Mum s the word, y know.
 That s the ticket. How strong Boar was.
 Like a father to us. A handsome badger, what!
 He taught us all so much. He was so understanding.
 How could we forget such a dear friend.
Before they slept, the travelers were closeted with the Corim leaders to hear how Mossflower had fared in
their absence. When they had learned all, they went out onto the deck. The little ones had been bedded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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