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Later Danetta was installed in a pretty room decorated in blue target and and changed
there of clothes. it put cattle tenders and a yellow jersey and soon accompanied Nicky until
garage with Norman.
It was an extensive place in which there was warehouse and one liveción in the floor of
- Here it is where the guard of the house used to live - Nicky explained while they
walked towards the garage under rain -. But it marched and now nobody uses it. For that
reason I have all my mascots there. Míralas - it said when they arrived.
And there there were several aquariums that had been reconverted for reptiles and
- This box is for Norman - it said boy -. Papa constructed it stops Bunny, but the last
summer died. I believe that it will be pleasant place for your iguana.
- Of course - Danetta said and smiled -. We go a to put it.
- I can take to Norman? - Nicky asked with full glance of sense of expectancy.
- Clear - she with certain objection said, since it knew that Norman was not customary
to the men.
But when it put it into the hands of Nicky, animal half-closed the eyes and soon it
watched at the boy without no sign of irritation.
-¡Go! - the boy said -. It does not seem to you precious?
- That I create - she said Danetta -. I have been having it for three years and eats pie of
spinach and pizza and all type of strange things that usually do not eat the iguanas.
Sometimes even you it obeys if you whistle to him.
- He is iguánido - Nicky said occurring importance.
And then they both began to speak in scientific terms of the species of reptiles and of
all their families and both were astonished of which the other knew, reason why they were
glad much to have that point in common.
Then, in the middle of conversation between strange animal names, it entered Fits.
- But of what demons you speak? - it said.
- we are trying to classify to Norman - Nicky said.
- you do not say to me? - it murmured Fits, that did not forget to maintain a distance
prudencial of Norman -. It seems that it likes.
- Yes, right? - Nicky said and sighed -. Me it would please to be able to have one.
- and why you cannot? - it asked Eugene, that it had been acompañando to Fits.
- In the stores of mascots they do not have them, they say that they are demasiado
difficult to raise.
- Beam that the gentleman Harris you order one. I will pay what costs to bring it of
where is - it said Eugene.
- Really? - Nicky asked with the eyes illuminated by the joy -. ¡Papa, thank you very
much! They give, could teach you to me how grow up?
- Clear - she said smiling.
- You want to take it, Fits? - it asked boy. It fits lay down for back rejecting the proposal.
- No, not really. One already got upset with me once and I have had enough.
- It thought that eras an intruder - it said Danetta -. I suppose that he would do the same
when the thief entered the apartment. She could to him have bitten if she had gotten to him
to have close - it added pensativa -, or at least she had to give him with the tail.
- I thought that it did not bite - it remembered Fits.
- Good, he is not frequent - it explained she -. Any animal can bite if it is threatened.
- It is truth - Nicky in agreement with her said.
Danetta put a Norman in its box and soon contemplated to the collection of reptiles and
frogs that it had the boy. His especimenes was varied and some came from distant parts of
- Slight collection you have here, Nicky - it said she.
- it has cost to Me long time to reunite it - the boy with the same tone of authority said
in which he referred his animals -. And them care to all single I.
- and in addition it beams very well - Danetta indicated -. It does not seem to you, Fits?
- added with a smile with which suplicaba to its outside more pleasant head who with the
He sighed and he watched it at the eyes before directing the Vista to its small
stepbrother, who watched it hoping a friendly answer. Entonces, Fits smiled for the first
time with affection.
- Yes. I also believe that it beams very well, Nicky - he responded. The change that had
an operation in the boy was miraculous. It seemed to overflow with happiness.
- Thanks, Fit - stammered paralyzed by the then timidity and began to speak of the
genealogy of one of the frogs white that it had in the aquarium.
Danetta observed Fits while this one watched a Nicky without as soon as the previous
hostility noticed to him and thought that there was one sinña hope of which it accepted to
his certain last brother time. In addition, at heart, It fits needed its brother as much as the
small one it seemed to need it to him.
The hand in the one slid of Fits and it immediately gave account of which it was
surprised before that gesture. It returned the head and it watched it with the gathered frown.
That reaction did that Danetta one felt rejected and it wanted to separate the hand.
Nevertheless, the fingers of Fit they took hold it well and all their doubts disappeared.
Then, one approached him and it returned to take care of Nicky, that continued with his
char it on the different ones species of frogs. She fits watched it smiling and it felt as if she
had herself drunk a reconfortante wine glass.
Chapter Seven
Danetta learned more of Fits in that late that in two years. It saw its titles of bachelor
and lawyer in enterprise by the University of Yale, its trophies in the competitions
equestrian and its diplomas of pilot of small planes.
It was Eugene the one that it told the interest him that it had Fits in the history of the
West and the aid economic that contributed to two students of the University of Oklahoma.
And although it did not like reptiles, yes enchanted the horses to him and was an expert
rider. Nicky was that it told that him with certain disguised pride.
While it was discovering more things on it fits, he tried to solve certain urgent subject
of the company by telephone.
- Hatred the equipment business - it murmured when it was united to the rest of the
family once had solved the problem.
Danetta observed it and it could not separate from him the glance. It seemed to him the
most masculine man and attractive than it had seen never. Nevertheless, It fits it noticed
that glance and it responded to her with one somewhat arrogant smile. It liked that they
watched to him with that mixture of boldness and timidity and seated in the sofa next to
Danetta, happening to him the arm through shoulder. Eugene and Cynthia they
interchanged glances amused.
- If really you hate the business of equipment, returns to trabajar with me - it murmured
Eugene dryly.
- Of that nothing. I like too much what I do - said Fits and watched at Danetta with the
calm and sweet eyes -. In addition, you would always have to me outside the city and I
already begin to have age like stops to establish to me.
- We could think about another thing.
It fits it retired the glance of Danetta and it watched its father.
- No.
Eugene it shrank of shoulders.
- It is well, at least there am it tried. Somebody wants that we put the science film
fiction that there am brought?
Eugene it raised the videotape in its hand and Danetta smiled of ear ear.
- You like science fiction? - it asked Fits while Eugene it put it.
- Much - it whispered full of joy.
Hardly she could think outside that the one that there she was seated with the arm of
She fits by his shoulders.
- To me also - it murmured and he kissed slightly on the lips. The astonishment of
Danetta was increased still more with that kiss in front of all the family. But it had not
dreamed it, thought while they were put to see the film.
It took the hand of Danetta and it put by the shirt half-opened to the height of the chest
and there it pressed it against its body so that it felt the heat and smooth pelusa of its hair. it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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