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Curtis’s mouth, which was easy with his hand right there, he sucked it
in as avidly as if it were Corey’s dick.
And from Corey’s reaction, it might as well have been. He
groaned even louder than Curtis had and began punching his hips
forward in a vertical mating dance. He looked as if he were fucking
the air, the way he jabbed sharply forward as Curtis’s mouth did to his
finger what it wanted to do to his dick.
And still, Curtis’s marauding dick drove in and out of his mouth.
Curtis took control now. It was no longer a case of Corey’s sucking
him off. Now Curtis was fucking his mouth. He chugged in with hard-
charging strokes, drilling far into his throat, plunging his erection
deep down his gulping gullet.
And then Curtis felt his searing sperm getting ready to spill over.
Up and out it jetted, his balls compressing as his jizz boiled up and
steamed its way into the rubber. He stiffened, thrusting his groin
against Corey’s face and mashing Corey’s nose with his pubic bone.
The Adonis Dating Service: Curtis
Doggedly he sucked, vacuuming Curtis harder than ever as he
demanded every last sperm that lurked in his balls. Corey wasn’t
going to let Curtis’s balls hold back by one single seed.
When at last he was convinced he had every last drop of Curtis’s
sperm, he began to fist his already-rubbered dick. “Get your hands
off! That’s mine to pleasure!” Curtis insisted at the sight of Corey’s
hand sliding up and down his spit-glistening shaft.
Demandingly pushing Corey’s hand away, Curtis dived down on
his knobby cock and engulfed it in his hungry maw. Corey ceded
ownership of his dick to him and let Curtis do with it as he wanted.
What Curtis wanted was to suck long and hard and insistently.
Corey was hot, already worked up from sucking on Curtis and
from Curtis’s sucking on his finger. He lunged upward as if trying to
propel his body toward the ceiling, and he drove his dick fiercely into
the warm, steamy confines of Curtis’s gullet.
As Curtis’s lips encircled Corey’s raging hard-on even tighter, he
returned the favor Corey’s finger had done for him and intruded his
own finger up into Corey’s ass. Squirming and probing, he tickled the
anal walls and felt his sphincter’s clench tighten on his probing finger.
Corey was going wild now, gasping and moaning, flailing like a
landed flounder.
Curtis still had a free hand, so he put it to good use by titillating
Corey’s nipples. Squeezing and pinching, he teased those stiff, tender
nubbins with his fingers and brought his new boyfriend to a raging
boil in no time. “Gonna come!” Corey gasped, but even as he said it,
he was already spraying his cream into the rubber lodged deep in
Curtis’s gullet.
Curtis felt Corey’s pumping dick dislodge his sperm, as blast after
blast of steaming seed splatted thickly into the latex. Then his dick
began to rapidly shrivel, and Curtis opened his mouth to release him
before the rubber could fall off and spill its contents.
“I thought you were too full for sex yet,” Corey teased when he
got his breathing back to something approximating normal.
Diana Sheridan
“You’re too hot to ignore,” Curtis replied. “I can’t keep my hands
off you—or my mouth, either.”
“You’ll have to behave yourself if you’re going to attend my
speeches.” Corey wagged a cautionary finger at Curtis.
“When is the next one coming up, anyhow?”
“In two weeks.”
“The banquet hall at Rosalie’s Rumpus Room.”
“I’m really eager to hear you give one of your speeches.”
“You’ll have your chance in two weeks.”
By the night of the speech, Curtis and Corey had had seven more
dates and were pretty firmly cemented as a couple. As they sat in the
hall, eating the typical “rubber chicken dinner,” Corey consulted his
watch to see if it was close to the time he was to take the stage. Curtis
noticed the watch for the first time. It was gold, heavy, and expensive
looking. When he commented on it, Corey smiled. “It was a present
from my dad when I went into life coaching. He was very proud of
me. He said I’d need to make sure I was on time for all my
appointments, and the watch would help. He died a few years later,
which made the watch even more valuable to me. It’s intrinsically
valuable to begin with. It’s not a cheap watch! But the fact that it was
the last significant gift—and the most significant gift—that I ever got
from my dad is what really makes it meaningful to me.
“So you wear it only on special occasions—like this?”
“No. I wear it every day. It gives me the feeling my father is close
to me. You just didn’t notice it before.”
“You do have other features that are more compelling,” Curtis
observed drily.
They got through their dinners with some difficulty. To begin
with, the food, typical for such a banquet, was uninspiring. “If
Rosalie’s catered this themselves, Rosalie ought to be ashamed of
herself,” Corey commented.
The Adonis Dating Service: Curtis
“We ought to find out if she did or if the food was brought in from
outside, and if so, who catered it? Just to make sure we never hire
whoever it is.”
“Planning a party?” Corey teased.
“When your book sells its millionth copy, we’ll want to
celebrate.” Curtis wasn’t teasing. He was dead-on serious.
“That’s a nice thought. Hold on to it,” Corey answered, chucking
Curtis under the chin.
The other reason dinner was a struggle, besides the quality of the
food, was their nervousness. Of the two, Curtis was decidedly the
more nervous, even though he wasn’t the one giving the speech.
Corey was somewhat on edge, which was usual for him before a talk,
but Curtis was almost as freaked as if he were the one who was about
to be called to the dais.
As the dessert plates and coffee cups were cleared away, the
evening’s master of ceremonies took to the microphone, made a few
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