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Talon shook her head.  I can t explain it, Highness, but& I feel it. Something bad is coming.
 Nothing s coming. Shasta took another mouthful of the stew, this time blowing on it several times
before putting it in her mouth. She jabbed at Talon s untouched bowl with the end of her spoon.  Now
But Talon couldn t. Her stomach was tied in knots and she couldn t concentrate on food with so many
people milling around them. Several times when someone passed a little too close behind the Princess s
seat Talon rose sharply, only to be tugged back down again by Lyris s firm hand. Bria kept heaving
exaggerated sighs and Kumire simply glowered as though Talon were sabotaging the outing on purpose.
But even though no one actually made a threatening move toward their little party, Talon s anxiety did not
 We should have brought a guard unit, she muttered under her breath and received an elbow in the ribs
from the Princess that she scarcely felt.
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The food and rest seemed to be exactly what Shasta needed to restore her usual cheerful energy, and
she chatted animatedly with her companions as they finished their meal, all former weariness apparently
forgotten. As the tavern hostess passed by their table, Shasta caught her arm.
 Pardon me, but do you have a, she paused,  a privy chamber that I might use?
Talon frowned, tempted to object, but she could hardly forbid the Princess from relieving herself before
they had returned to the palace. It was a long ride back, and Shasta was unaccustomed to waiting.
The busty woman stared.  Well, aren t we just the queen of all Ithyria, she chuckled finally.  That s a
fancy tongue you ve got there, little miss. We don t have, uh, aprivy chamber here, but there s an
outhouse if you have need of it. She jerked her thumb toward the back door.
 Thank you. Shasta stood, and Talon rose to join her.
 Sit down, boy! Kumire exclaimed.  You can t follow her out there.
Talon glared at him.  It s my duty.
 Talon, be reasonable. Bria covered the chancellor s hand with her own.  You re supposed to be
Chancellor Kumire s hired sword, remember? How would it look for you to abandon your master in
order to follow his maid outside?
The words barely registered. Talon s attention was fixed on her little sister s hand resting atop Kumire s.
When his thumb moved to caress the tops of Bria s fingers, Talon snatched Bria s arm and forced the
pair apart.  Goddess, Bria, you re in public. And you, she glared murderously at the chancellor,  keep
your hands off my sister.
Kumire widened his eyes in a show of ignorance.  Really, boy, you re far too excitable this afternoon.
Your imagination is getting the better of you.
 I hate you, Bria balefully informed Talon, her face bright red.
Lyris, the peacemaker, quickly stood.  All right, you two, now is not the time or the place. Talon, you
have other things to worry about right now. And Bria, she fixed the younger girl with a cool stare,  when
we get back to the palace you and I are going to have a talk.
Talon looked around with alarm, realizing that in the disturbance the Princess had disappeared. She must
have gone to find the outhouse on her own. Cursing, she hurried to the weapons rack to retrieve her
sword and smaller knives.
The hostess clucked her tongue disapprovingly as Talon strode out of the tavern, sword clanking. The
outhouse was a small, narrow hut not far from the back door. Its distinct, pungent odor made Talon
wrinkle her nose in distaste. She couldn t imagine the Princess using such an amenity.
Appalled, she rapped on the decaying door.  Your Highness?
When there was no reply, she knocked again but was greeted only with silence. With growing alarm,
Talon yanked on the door handle and lurched back as the door swung wide. The outhouse was empty.
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A surge of panic flooded her limbs and she looked around frantically. If someone had taken the
Princess, there should be tracks. Talon began examining the hard-packed earth beneath her feet for any
sign of a struggle. It was then that a familiar voice tore through the air.
 What in the name of the Goddess do you think you re doing? Stop that at once!
 Shasta. Talon drew her sword and sprinted toward the Princess s screams.
Chapter Six
Shasta had been less than impressed by the tavern s toilet facilities. She d never used such a dirty,
stinking little building before. She didn t even want to make contact with the rough wood seat, let alone
insult her delicate skin by using the coarse leaves stacked on the filthy planks of the floor. But, gritting her
teeth, she d told herself that it was all part of the rustic, commoner experience. If her people could relieve
themselves in such a place, so could she, and besides, she simply could not bear the pain of her straining
bladder any longer.
As she stepped from the outhouse, looking forward to her evening bath, a disturbance caught her
attention. She heard several loud cracking noises and a woman s cries of pain.
Running toward the source of the clamor, Shasta descended the low hill behind the outhouse and was
shocked to see a man standing in the road with a long black bullwhip, repeatedly striking a woman in a
shabby, nearly threadbare dress. Nearby lay an overturned basket and a few heads of lettuce scattered
in the dirt. The woman cried out as the whip tore through the thin fabric of her bodice, leaving long,
bleeding welts, and as she rolled a bit to her side, trying to avoid the biting blows, Shasta blanched. The
woman being beaten was very obviously pregnant.
Shasta bolted toward them, joining the ranks of the crowd that had already begun to gather to watch the
spectacle.  What in the name of the Goddess do you think you re doing? she shrieked, stepping
between the man and his unfortunate victim and throwing her arms out to halt his attack.  Stop that at
 Little wench! Get out of the way. The man spat on the ground. He was evidently a merchant, by the
finery of his coat and trousers.
 I most certainly will not! Shasta glared indignantly.  How dare you speak to me that way. Do you have
any idea who I am?
 Don t know, don t care. He might have recognized her, or at least the famous amber eyes and hair
that marked a member of the house of Rane, had he taken the time to look. But he didn t seem capable
of seeing anything beyond her shabby maid s disguise. Ignoring her protests, he raised his arm again,
shouting,  I warned you!
Shasta almost thought she imagined hearing a low growl just before a familiar hand caught the bullwhip.
Instead of striking her, the thin leather whip snaked around her guardian s forearm in a coil.
Talon didn t flinch.  I wouldn t do that if I were you. His voice was deadly.
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