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 I want you to call me if they treat you badly, he said to Freddy,
Emily, and Darla.  No matter what time of night it is, call me.
Pax picked the lid up and replaced it, making sure it was on tight
before leaving the cargo bay and his new little friends behind. He just
didn t understand why he couldn t keep a couple of the cute little
worms. It wasn t like they would be missed.
* * * *
Crank engaged the cloaking device as they neared Tronos. They
had to pass the planet in order to get where they were going, which
truly sucked and tempted fate more than Crank cared to.
The mates were warned to stay quiet in case the area was being
scanned. It would take some time to pass Tronos s orbit and Crank
Adwaka s Blade 123
prayed the mates could hold their tongues. They had done well on the
first passing.
He leaned back and stretched, wondering if he was ever going to
find his mate like everyone else seemed to be doing. Crank s
imagination took flight as he envisioned what he would look like.
Gods, let it be a he.
 We re being scanned, Tank mouthed.
Crank sat up, checking his console. Yep, the orbit around Tronos
was being scanned. Crank crossed his fingers, praying that Livewire
had done a fucking top-rate job with the cloaking device. This was the
first time they had been scanned since using it.
Here s to crazy ass mechanics, Crank thought as the Lady Blue
floated by. If the scanner discovered them, they were going to have to
do some heavy maneuvering to get the hell away from Tronos.
Crank looked at everyone on the bridge, noticing how the entire
crew sat rigidly, holding their breaths as they waited. His own nerves
were coiled tight as the Lady Blue floated through the outer edge of
Tronos s orbit.
If it weren t for the asteroid belt between Hyberian and Ori, Crank
would have suggested that they go that way. Unfortunately, to get to
Ryjhak, they had to go around Lakone, past Tronos space, and then on
around Ori and didn t that suck?
 Thank fuck, Remy said as he finally blew out a breath.
The scan was complete, and they were undetected. At least one
good thing was going right today. After the fiasco on Hyberian, Crank
just wanted to get the fuck out of there. The lawlessness of the Turok
System was looking pretty damn good right about now.
 Set our coordinates for Ryjhak, Remy said.
 On it, Commander, Tank said with a little excitement in his
Crank sat back in his chair and tried to relax, hoping they made it
out of the Andromeda system alive. Somehow, he was starting to
think it was still up in the air.
124 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
Chapter 12
 Uh& Remy, Tank said.  I think we have a problem.
 What now?
 We may not have made it out of Tronos s scans after all. They
just shot a tachyon pulse at us, destabilizing our cloaking device.
 What? Remy shouted as he jumped to his feet and raced over to
stare down at Tank s console. He instantly spotted the little blinking
light that said they were being followed.  Shit! Remy growled as he
shoved his hand through his hair.  Can you shake them?
 Maybe, but it will be bumpy.
 Do it. I ll let everyone know they need to batten down the
hatches. Crank, start making sure we re ready for a long run. We just
may need it.
Tank nodded as his hands flew over the controls. Remy grabbed
the back of Tank s chair as the thrusters were engaged, rocketing
them forward as Tank started racing the Lady Blue through space.
Remy sprinted off the bridge to go warn everyone that they needed to
lock down whatever could be locked down then hold on for a bumpy
He didn t have a clue who was following them, but he had a pretty
good idea he wasn t going to like whoever it was. And he was getting
damn tired of having to run every time he turned around. It wasn t
safe for his mate or anyone else s mate.
 Lock everything down, Remy shouted when he reached the
crew deck.  We re being followed, and Tank needs to do some heavy
maneuvering to lose whoever is on our tail.
Adwaka s Blade 125
 But we re cloaked, Zackary said as he jumped up from the
 Not anymore. They are following us. Remy gestured over his
shoulder with his thumb.  Maybe you d better go to the bridge and
see if you can repair our cloaking device.
Zackary grabbed his vid-pad and raced past Remy.
Imlay was right on his heels.  I ll go lock down the sick bay.
Remy nodded then turned to look at Livewire.  Do you think you
can get any more juice out of the Lady Blue?
Livewire grinned.  You can always get a little more out of our
beautiful lady if you stroke her just right.
Remy couldn t believe he was saying this but&  Then go stroke
 Will do, Commander, Livewire said as he rushed through the
Remy turned his attention to the remaining crew sitting in the
media room.  Pax, Gigi, go lock down the kitchen.
 Oh, but  Pax bit his lips for a moment.  The silkworms,
Remy frowned.  What about them?
 They  Pax bit his lip again and glanced at Colt.
Colt rolled his eyes as he climbed to his feet.  Can Adwaka help
Gigi in the kitchen? Pax and I will go check on the silkworms and
make sure everything is secured in the cargo bay.
 Okay. Remy was very confused by Pax s weirdness, but he
didn t have time to deal with him right now. That left Blade in the
room. Remy just waved a hand at him as he turned back toward the
door.  Just go lock something down. I don t care what.
 I ll go keep an eye on Gigi and Adwaka.
 Do that. It would relieve Remy greatly if he knew someone was
keeping an eye on his mate while he returned to the bridge. Despite
being on the same ship, Remy still didn t like it when Gigi was out of
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