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make him happy.
 You re in love with him.
Zack glanced up, taking in the shocked look on Doc s face.  Don t look so
surprised. Do you actually think I could not love him? He s the most beautiful thing
I ve ever seen and that s just the outside packaging. The inside is much more beautiful.
 And the baby?
The smile on his face echoed in the warmth of his voice as he replied.  The baby is
just a bonus. Zack looked back down at Eljin.  Besides, he has the sweetest lips I ve
ever tasted. I d be an idiot to give that up because I have a little confusion about what to
do with the equipment.
Doc laughed long and hard at Zack s words, enough to have Zack frowning at him.
He didn t think his statement was that amusing. Doc held his hand up as his laughter
trickled down to the occasional chuckle.
 Sorry, dude, but I just had a picture of you in my mind in bed with a very naked
Eljin without a clue what to do with him. It struck me as funny. I think I would be in the
same position if I had a naked woman in front of me.
Zack chuckled, seeing the humor of the situation.  I kind of feel that way
 Just do to him what you d want done to you, Rocky added as he sat beside Doc
and leaned back against his pack.  I assume you know what you like, right? Well, if it
works for you then it will probably work for him.
 Is it really that easy? Zack was skeptical until Doc laughed again.
 Yeah, pretty much, Doc said.  We re men, Zack. We re basically driven by the
need to get off. We seek it, fight for it and try to charm our way to get it. Blow in our
direction and we re pretty damn happy. Don t overanalyze it.
 Okay, I hear you. Zack still wondered if things were that easy but so far they
seemed to be. Eljin loved his touch and Zack certainly craved Eljin s. Maybe he was
overanalyzing things. Maybe he needed to just let things happen when they happened.
It seemed to be working for them so far.
 We need to get some rest, Rocky finally said as he stood up and scratched his
abdomen through his shirt.  Doc and I are going to go check the perimeter while you
get your little man cleaned up. We ll be back in five.
Zack s face flamed as he realized that he and Eljin hadn t hid their little sexual
interlude earlier all that well.  Sorry, guys.
 Don t be. It s great to see you with someone. Rocky slung his rifle over his
shoulder.  I just don t think we should mention to Eljin that we know what you two
were up to. It might embarrass him.
 It would.
Zack waited until Rocky and Doc walked away before laying Eljin back on the
ground. He quickly wet a cloth and wiped them both down then zipped their pants up.
Eljin slept through the whole thing, which told Zack exactly how tired he truly really
He wrapped the blanket more closely around Eljin s body then picked him back up
again, cradling the smaller man in his lap. Eljin s head fell against his shoulder, his
hand coming up to pat at Zack s chest before he tucked it under his cheek.
He never opened his eyes.
 Sleep, hummingbird, I ll protect you.
Zack looked up as Rocky and Doc came back into the little clearing they were
camped out in, taking in the anxious looks on their faces.  What?
 Company is coming, Rocky said.  Do we stay and fight, or go?
Zack glanced down at the precious bundle in his arms and then got to his feet,
holding Eljin close.  We go. I don t want to put Eljin in the middle of a firefight. If we
can get to the waterfall and Eljin s veil we may be able to get to safety.
Rocky and Doc nodded, quickly gathering their stuff and covering any signs that
they were there. Zack started up the mountain, hoping he d run into Gunny somewhere
along the way. He knew Rocky and Doc would catch up to him but any head start he
could get on the people following him, the better.
 Zack? Eljin asked, starting to rouse.
Silently, Eljin, speak to me only through our bond. We need to remain as silent as possible.
Our party crashers are still in pursuit.
Eljin was instantly awake, his eyes popping open, fear shining brightly in them.
Where are we?
We re still in the woods, hummingbird, about five hundred yards from where we were when
you went to sleep. I just left Rocky and Doc cleaning up our campsite.
Where s Gunny?
He s still out scouting the area. We should run into him soon. At least, Zack hoped they
How close are they? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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