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sold to a coven of vampires to be their blood slave. It seemed like he had been there all of his life,
living with the daily threat of death, or worse.
And he had learned that there truly were things worse than death. Upír took great delight in
making each second before taking his blood terrifying, agonizing. The man gloried in it like it was the
only way he could be satisfied.
He wanted the taint of fear in Boy s blood.
 Keep. Boy blinked rapidly once the word was out, afraid of what the vampire s reaction would
be, and afraid that he had said it.
Vlad s eyes darted down to him, a crease moving across his brow.  What was that?
 Keep Boy. Please, please, keep Boy. He didn t want to go back to Upír. He wanted to stay here
with this vampire. Boy wasn t stupid enough to think he could spend the rest of his life without an
owner. That wasn t how the world worked.
He just didn t want to be owned by Upír.
Vlad scared him. All vampires did. But Vlad didn t terrify him like Upír did. Boy wasn t sure
there was anyone on the planet that scared him like Upír did.  Please keep. He would beg if he had to.
 Good Boy.
He would be the best Boy.
 Is that your name? Vlad asked in a soft, soothing voice.  Is your name Boy?
Boy pressed his lips together as he considered the question. He wasn t sure if Boy was his name
or not. That was just what he had always been called. There had been a lot of other names as well,
horrible mean names meant to show him that he was worthless. Boy was the one he remembered.
 Called Boy.
 But is that your name?
Boy shrugged.
 Ah, I see. Just something you were referred to then?
Boy nodded.
 Do you have a name you wished to be called by?
Again, Boy shrugged. He wasn t real sure that a name was important.
The lightest of smiles curved up one side of Vlad s full lips.  Then I think I shall call you Béla.
It means intelligent, and you are that, little one. I think under all of that fear beats the heart of a very
intelligent young man.
Igorian was right. The vampire was insane.
But hey, if the guy wanted to call him Béla, who was he to argue?  Béla. It didn t sound too bad
on his lips. But he liked it even better when Vlad called him Béla. There was a slight old-world accent
to the vampire s voice that gave every word he spoke a sexy tone.
Why he thought anything having to do with vampires was sexy, he would never know.
The vampire s grin became full blown when he repeated the new name.  Yes, that s it. Béla.
So, okay, his new name was Béla. He could live with that. It was better than Boy. As he watched
Vlad go back to his tablet, Béla realized that he would have to get used to something else living with
a vampire.
After escaping Upír, Béla swore he would never allow himself to become the blood donor for
another vampire. He swore he would never give that kind of power over to someone else again.
And yet, here he was.
As his throat muscles worked through the thick blockage in his throat, Béla held out his arm, the
soft side of his wrist facing up. He knew what he was there for. He knew his only worth was what he
could provide. Once he couldn t provide, he would be of no use.
Vlad paused in what he was doing, becoming so still that for a moment Béla wondered if the man
was actually alive.
 Béla, there is no need for this. Vlad smiled as he patted Béla s arm, pressing his hand down
against his thigh.  I have blood donors to supply what I need.
Béla felt the first stirrings of panic as he pulled his wrist to his chest, twisting his hands together.
There was only one other thing that the vampires took from him. As much as Béla detested sex, if
that s what Vlad wanted from him in order to keep him, Béla would suffer through it.
What other choice did he have?
Tears clogged Béla s throat as he scooted to the bottom of the bed and slid off onto the floor. It
took every bit of his remaining courage to push his lounging pants down his legs and then drop to his
knees, bending forward to press his forehead against the hard wooden floor.
His shoulders curled in over his chest as his heart became sluggish. Béla wanted to wrap his arms [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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