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her. He heaved out a mournful sigh and stared at the picture, unmoving.  I wanted to protect her. I
wanted to stop Bruce from hurting her. She told me she wanted to be free. But then she wanted to run
away. Run awayfrom me.
 Angel, sweet Angel, I had to free your soul. You re free. You re happy. I know you re happy now and
no one will ever hurt you again.
Driscoll stared at Zack, but his eyes were unfocused.
 Spirits don t die, he whispered, almost pleading with them.  Souls feel no pain. Angel doesn t hurt
anymore. She has eternal life.
Quinn cleared his throat and asked softly,  Why the other girls?
 My angels they re all my angels. They all hurt. Because that s what people are in pain. Constant,
torturous pain.
 I had to free their souls, give them a painless life forever and ever. They re at peace now. They re with
my Angel.
Olivia sat at Miranda s kitchen table holding an empty coffee mug and staring out the window.
Miranda sat across from her.  Liv, give him some time. Zack is one of the good guys. He ll come
around. He ll understand. He just needs to work through his feelings.
She shook her head.  You weren t there, Miranda. I explained everything. I really thought he would
understand. And he s right: I should have told him sooner. When did I become such a good liar?
 You re not. You re the worst liar in the world.
 Not anymore. I m a master deceiver. Zack s words had felt like a physical assault. The more she tried
to explain, the angrier and more hurt he became.
Olivia s cell phone rang, but she didn t make a move to get it. Miranda glanced at the number.  It s
someone in Virginia, she said.
Olivia reluctantly picked up the phone.  Olivia St. Martin.
 Olivia, it s Rick Stockton.
She sighed and braced herself.  Hello.
 I know everything.
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She closed her eyes.  I m sorry, I knew it d come out, but I wanted to explain  She rubbed her eyes.
Her excuses were already sounding lame. Last week, she couldn t think of any other options. Today?
She wished she d done everything differently.
Not because she might lose her job, but because she d lost Zack.
 We ll talk about that later. We have more serious issues to deal with.
She sat up straighter.  What happened?
 I got a call from the deputy district attorney in San Mateo County, California, this morning. Two
prominent people from the Hall investigation were murdered in their homes this week. Hamilton Craig,
the district attorney; and Gary Porter, the detective originally in charge of the Hall investigation thirty-four
years ago.
 Gary? Dead? I just talked to him earlier this week. He was going to Hamilton s funeral I thought it
was an intruder, a robbery gone bad. Olivia s heart rate increased.
 The bullets from both victims came from the same .38.
 Oh no. Her hand drifted to her mouth. Both Hamilton and Gary gone. Murdered.  Who did it? Do
they have a suspect?
Rick paused.  They got a warrant to search Brian Harrison Hall s apartment. They found blood
evidence that he killed both men, and ammunition that matches the fatal bullets.
 Hall? Her voice cracked. She could barely speak.
 That s how I learned about your activities this week. When I spoke with the attorney, he told me that
an  Agent Olivia St. Martin had been in Redwood City just yesterday morning. I called Greg. He told
me everything.
 I m sorry, Rick. I I didn t have a choice. As she said it, she knew it was true. She really hadn t had
a choice. She d never have been able to live with herself if she d done nothing and more girls died.
She d helped save NinaMarkow . She d helped put Christopher Driscoll behind bars. She would do it
again if faced with the same choice. She hadn t known Zack when this started. And while she regretted
not telling him the truth sooner, she didn t regret coming to Seattle.
She had to explain it to him. Again. And again. Until he forgave her.
He had to forgive her. She loved him.
 So Hall s in prison again? she asked.
 They can t find him.
Olivia tensed.  What?
 They found a vehicle registered in his name at the San Francisco International Airport. The time stamp
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indicates that he parked at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. We re reviewing all security tapes and airline
records to figure out where he went. He may have fled the country. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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