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congratulations to Sir William, in which she was readily joined by Jane, and by making a variety of
remarks on the happiness that might be expected from the match, the excellent character of Mr. Collins,
and the convenient distance of Hunsford from London.
Mrs. Bennet was in fact too much overpowered to say a great deal while Sir William remained; but no
sooner had he left them than her feelings found a rapid vent. In the first place, she persisted in disbelieving
the whole of the matter; secondly, she was very sure that Mr. Collins had been taken in; thirdly, she
trusted that they would never be happy together; and fourthly, that the match might be broken off. Two
inferences, however, were plainly deduced from the whole; one, that Elizabeth was the real cause of all
the mischief; and the other, that she herself had been barbarously used by them all; and on these two
points she principally dwelt during the rest of the day. Nothing could console and nothing appease
her. Nor did that day wear out her resentment. A week elapsed before she could see Elizabeth without
scolding her, a month passed away before she could speak to Sir William or Lady Lucas without being
rude, and many months were gone before she could at all forgive their daughter.
Mr. Bennet's emotions were much more tranquil on the occasion, and such as he did experience he
pronounced to be of a most agreeable sort; for it gratified him, he said, to discover that Charlotte Lucas,
whom he had been used to think tolerably sensible, was as foolish as his wife, and more foolish than his
Jane confessed herself a little surprised at the match; but she said less of her astonishment than of her
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earnest desire for their happiness; nor could Elizabeth persuade her to consider it as improbable. Kitty
and Lydia were far from envying Miss Lucas, for Mr. Collins was only a clergyman; and it affected them
in no other way than as a piece of news to spread at Meryton.
Lady Lucas could not be insensible of triumph on being able to retort on Mrs. Bennet the comfort of
having a daughter well married; and she called at Longbourn rather oftener than usual to say how happy
she was, though Mrs. Bennet's sour looks and ill-natured remarks might have been enough to drive
happiness away.
Between Elizabeth and Charlotte there was a restraint which kept them mutually silent on the subject;
and Elizabeth felt persuaded that no real confidence could ever subsist between them again. Her
disappointment in Charlotte made her turn with fonder regard to her sister, of whose rectitude and
delicacy she was sure her opinion could never be shaken, and for whose happiness she grew daily more
anxious, as Bingley had now been gone a week, and nothing was heard of his return.
Jane had sent Caroline an early answer to her letter, and was counting the days till she might reasonably
hope to hear again. The promised letter of thanks from Mr. Collins arrived on Tuesday, addressed to
their father, and written with all the solemnity of gratitude which a twelvemonth's abode in the family might
have prompted. After discharging his conscience on that head, he proceeded to inform them, with many
rapturous expressions, of his happiness in having obtained the affection of their amiable neighbour, Miss
Lucas, and then explained that it was merely with the view of enjoying her society that he had been so
ready to close with their kind wish of seeing him again at Longbourn, whither he hoped to be able to
return on Monday fortnight; for Lady Catherine, he added, so heartily approved his marriage, that she
wished it to take place as soon as possible, which he trusted would be an unanswerable argument with
his amiable Charlotte to name an early day for making him the happiest of men.
Mr. Collins's return into Hertfordshire was no longer a matter of pleasure to Mrs. Bennet. On the
contrary she was as much disposed to complain of it as her husband. It was very strange that he should
come to Longbourn instead of to Lucas Lodge; it was also very inconvenient and exceedingly
troublesome. She hated having visitors in the house while her health was so indifferent, and lovers were
of all people the most disagreeable. Such were the gentle murmurs of Mrs. Bennet, and they gave way
only to the greater distress of Mr. Bingley's continued absence.
Neither Jane nor Elizabeth were comfortable on this subject. Day after day passed away without
bringing any other tidings of him than the report which shortly prevailed in Meryton of his coming no more
to Netherfield the whole winter; a report which highly incensed Mrs. Bennet, and which she never failed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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