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 Come on, Talan, we all miss him. Dillon is whining about not having any more brownies. The girls are upset because they bought him a bunch
of clothes that he hasn t had a chance to wear, and you haven t eaten anything in days. You can t just lie there and pine. What kind of alpha are you?
Go and get your man.
Talan lay down his head and closed his eyes. It was hard to get up the energy when his heart was breaking.
Ouch. He roared.
Tasha had ripped out some hair from his mane.
 Go. Get. Him, Tasha shouted.
The pounding on his door had Adrian stumbling towards the noise to stop the horrible racket. His head felt as if it was going to burst. He d
drunk way too much scotch the night before, a habit that was becoming far too common. He snarled when he tripped over the bodies lying on the
Yeah, way too common.
His pack mates had missed him more than he d anticipated. Not one night since his return had he spent a night alone. The wolves were
determined to cheer him up. Little did they know that nothing would make him feel better other than being in the arms of a certain golden-haired
The banging started up again.
 Make it stop, Adrian, Scott, one of his pack mates, moaned from the floor. Scott only wore a pair of boxers he d pulled on after the pack run
last night. Most of the men and women sleeping on the floor were wearing little more than a t-shirt or underwear gracing their toned bodies.
Ripping open the door, Adrian was faced with his greatest nightmare. A pissed off mate coming to see him and finding a house full of mostly
naked people.
This was not how he was hoping their reunion would go. He had visions of a fancy dinner with an apology from Talan for overreacting. He
didn t think he d look to be in the wrong.
Talan s golden eyes took in the scene.  What the fuck is going on here?
A loud roar had wolves racing for the door. A few even went out the window.
Adrian s head pulsed with pain.  Is that really necessary?
Talan s mouth opened revealing a complete set of fangs.
 My head hurts too much for this crap. Adrian abandoned his spot by the door and stumbled to his bathroom. Blearily opening the cabinet, he
grabbed some migraine medicine and chugged down more than a human dosage. It would take a minimum of ten to put a dent in his metabolism.
 I m sorry if I interrupted your orgy, Talan snarled.
 Did you come just to be ugly? You know no other shifter will touch me. You marked me yourself.
There were few shifter rules that translated through every species. Not touching another shifter s mate was one of those unbreakable laws.
Even though their mating wasn t complete, he was injected with Talan s mating fluid and was untouchable. If the mating cycle wasn t finished, the
scent would fade after a few months. Until then no one would dare touch Adrian sexually.
 That doesn t explain why there were a dozen half naked people on your floor.
 I was depressed. The pack was here to cheer me up. We went for a run.
Talan wrapped his arms around Adrian and pulled him close.  You wouldn t be depressed if you were home with me where you belonged.
 I can t go home with you until you are willing to allow me to be a true mate. I can t be the pride s protected pet. I will be a true mate or I will stay
with my pack.
Talan s eyes were so pain filled, Adrian felt a corresponding twinge in his chest.
Taking Adrian s hands in his own, Talan kissed the back of each with a brush of his soft lips.  I don t know what I did to make you think I didn t
value you. I swear, lion s oath, that you are more precious to me than anything in this world. I didn t yell at you because I don t think you can take care
of yourself. I yelled at you because it stopped my heart when that wolf came after you. There is nothing on this planet more important to me than
Talan s sweet words filled the gaping hole in Adrian s heart.  You will let me fight my own battles?
He watched the shifter swallow hard. Then Talan wrapped Adrian in his arms, pressing him against his chest.  I will try, my heart, but know that
it is my first impulse to protect you.
Adrian decided he could live with that. What he couldn t live with was not having Talan in his life. The big shifter had wormed his way into
Adrian s heart and he had a bad feeling it wasn t going to get any easier with time.
 Did you come to take me back home?
Talan pushed Adrian away so he could look into his eyes.  I have obligations I have to fulfil as the leader of my pride. I m sorry if that takes you
away from your pack, but you re welcome to visit them whenever you want and participate in full moon hunts. Other nights you can run with the lions.
The females are really the only ones who hunt, but they told me they d be happy to have you along. Actually Talla said if I didn t bring you back, she
was going to tag you like a wild wolf and drag you back home in a crate.
Adrian laughed. He could almost hear the sassy lion saying that exact phrase.  I missed you like crazy, Adrian admitted.  I even liked your
Talan tilted Adrian s head up so the wolf was forced to look him in the eye.  But did you like me?
Seeing the vulnerability in Talan s eyes broke Adrian s heart.  I more than like you, Talan. I m in love with you.
The relief on Talan s face was painful to see. Adrian hated himself in that moment for causing this sweet man so much pain.
 I m glad that I m not alone. Where s your bed?
Adrian laughed.  I can see we need to work on your subtlety.
 No, we need to work on finding your bed. I believe it s time for my wolf to mark me back.
 Is that what you want? Adrian asked. He had to make sure they both wanted this mating.
 More than anything.
Adrian took Talan s hand and led him to the small bedroom in the back of his house.
In silence he stripped Talan of his clothing and removed the pair of boxers he d slept in the night before.
Talan pulled Adrian onto the bed with him. Rolling quickly, he pinned the smaller man beneath his body. The feel of Adrian pressed against
him soothed the restless lion longing for his mate. He d missed Adrian so much it was like an ache. His sister was right, not that he d ever tell her,
but Adrian was waiting for him to come fetch him.
He should ve come sooner. Adrian s eyes had dark bruising underneath, showing that his mate slept as little as he had over the past few
 I missed you. He almost didn t hear the soft words pressed against his skin.
 I missed you too. Now are you going to mate with me or not? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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