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all Public Administration bodies.
6. The powers of the Generalitat specified in Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 above shall be
exercised with respect for the principle of local autonomy.
1. The Generalitat has exclusive power over the local government system, which,
while respecting the principle of local autonomy, includes:
a) Relations between the institutions of the Generalitat and local government
entities, and also the methods for organisation and liaison in regard to cooperation
and collaboration between local government entities, and between these and the
Administration of the Generalitat, and including the various forms: associations,
mancomunitats, conventional associations and consortia.
b) Determination of the powers and jurisdiction of municipalities and other local
government entities, in the areas specified in Article 84.
c) The system of publicly-owned, communal and patrimonial property and the
modalities of public service provision.
d) Determination of the governing bodies for local government entities created by
the Generalitat and the functioning and decision-making system of these bodies.
e) The system governing complementary bodies in the organisation of local
government entities.
2. The Generalitat has shared power in all matters not established by Section 1
3. The Generalitat has exclusive power in matters concerning the electoral system
for the local entities it creates, with the exception of those which are
Constitutionally guaranteed.
1. The Generalitat has exclusive power over religious entities that carry out their
activities in Catalonia. This power includes in any case regulation and establishment
of collaboration and cooperation mechanisms for the carrying out of their activities
within the jurisdiction of the Generalitat.
2. The Generalitat has executive authority over religious freedom. This power
includes in any case:
a) Participation in the management of the State Registry of Religious Entities in
relation to churches, confessions and religious communities that carry out their
activities in Catalonia, in the terms determined by law.
b) Establishment of agreements and cooperation conventions with the churches,
confessions and religious communities registered in the State Registry of Religious
Entities within the jurisdiction of the Generalitat.
c) Promotion, development and execution, within the jurisdiction of the Generalitat,
of agreements and conventions signed between the State and the churches,
confessions and religious communities registered in the State Registry of Religious
3. The Generalitat collaborates in bodies at State level to which functions have been
attributed concerning religious entities.
1. The Generalitat has exclusive power in matters of healthcare and public health
over the organisation, internal functioning, evaluation, inspection and control of
healthcare centres, services and establishments.
2. The Generalitat shall classify pharmaceuticals, in the framework of Article
149.1.16 of the Constitution.
3. The Generalitat has shared power in any case in the following areas:
a) Classification, planning, determination, regulation and execution of public, social
and mental health provisions and services, at all levels and for all citizens.
b) Classification, planning, determination, regulation and execution of measures
and actions aimed at preserving, protecting and promoting public health in all
areas, including health at work, animal health with effects on human health, food
health, environmental health and epidemiological vigilance.
c) Planning of publicly provided healthcare resources and coordination of private
healthcare activities with the public healthcare system.
d) Specialised healthcare training, which includes accreditation and evaluation of
centres; planning to provide posts; participation in preparation of selection
procedures and management of training programmes for specialities and other
specific training, and the issue of diplomas for areas of specific training.
e) The statutory system and the training of the staff providing service in the public
healthcare system services.
4. The Generalitat participates in planning and State coordination in matters of
healthcare and public health, in accordance with the provisions of Title V.
5. The Generalitat has executive power over State legislation on pharmaceutical
The Generalitat executes the State legislation in the following matters:
a) Authorisation of private security companies with head office in Catalonia whose
area of activity does not extend beyond the territory of Catalonia.
b) Inspection and sanction of private security activities carried out in Catalonia.
c) Authorisation of private security staff training centres.
d) Coordination of private security and investigation services with the Police of the
Generalitat and the local police of Catalonia.
1. In matters of public security, the Generalitat, in accordance with State
legislation, is responsible for:
a) Planning and regulation of the public security system for Catalonia and
organisation of the local police.
b) Creation and organisation of the Generalitat Police Force - Mossos d Esquadra.
c) Traffic control and vigilance.
2. The Generalitat has supreme command over the Generalitat Police Force 
Mossos d Esquadra and coordinates the activities of the local police.
3. In the framework of State legislation on security, the Generalitat has the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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