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groaning with the relief of the heat against her tired body, and reached
for the shampoo. She could hear metallic noises grinding through the
roar of the water as she rinsed her hair and let the water sluice the
suds off her body. Alex pulled the shower curtain back and stepped
from the tub only to find they d taken out the towels. She stood on the
bath mat for a few minutes until the worst of the moisture had dripped
away and then walked into the bedroom.
138 Allyson Young
Chapter Sixteen
The bed was pushed against the wall, and Devon was latching
restraints into hooks he d obviously installed in the ceiling. Her
landlord was going to have a fit. And there were matching hooks in
the floor. As she watched, Devon tested them, leaning his weight and
looking for any give. Like Jeff, he had stripped to his jeans, the top
button open. Both looked incredibly buff and sexy, and she
swallowed against the swell of emotion.
 You had to know, darlin . This from Jeff as he took in her
His tone was sexy and low and vibrated within her vulva, she d
swear it did. She was weak and useless, and her inability to think
straight pissed her off. Alex had not found the need to suppress her
temper of late, and the demon rose dangerously close to the surface
from lack of practice.
 We have a lot of stuff to express, and you are going to have to
move through this as well. You know the drill, at least you used to,
and this is way beyond where we were nearly a year ago when you
challenged us.
Jeff s eyes flashed with hurt and anger, and maybe
disappointment before he turned back to sorting through the black
duffel bag. He studiously avoided looking below her face. Alex s
stomach hurt, and she struggled with the recognition that she had hurt
Devon s back was rigid, and Alex couldn t read him like she
could Jeff, but there was no mistaking that she was in trouble. Alex
then felt mutinous and a barrage of words began to collate within her
Away 139
head. She wanted to demand they leave her alone and get out of her
house. Yet another flicker, deep within, signalled something she
thought had died back on the night of the Club, beginning to resonate
in her private parts and spread.
 There won t be a safe word, Alex.
Startled, she focused on Devon s granite-like features.
 We will take what we need from you tonight and give you what
you need. We re going to push you, and you ll just have to trust us.
Like we thought you did. Devon nearly bit the words out as he stared
down into her face, anger warring with tenderness on his features.
 I can t do this, Devon. Please, she said.
 Please what, Alex? Please forgive you for leaving without a word
and making us sick with worry? Please forgive you for not telling us
what was going on that night? Devon turned back to his work.
Jeff pulled her to him, resting his chin on the curve of her neck,
his erection grinding into her lower back.  You have so much to
answer for, and all of this could have been avoided if you only 
Alex cut him off, squirming away and backing up to the opposite
wall, folding her arms across her abdomen.  I m not explaining
anything. I don t owe you anything.
She immediately was faced with two irate, dominant men,
invading her space, crowding her.
 You will be explaining by the end of the night, Alex, Devon
Jeff took hold of either side of her face, leaning his forehead to
touch hers, fixing her with those sea-green eyes of his.  We own you,
Alex, just as you own us, and we re getting this sorted.
Alex blinked.  Own you? Own you? I don t understand.
 You will. This from Devon as he stepped between her and Jeff,
holding a silk blindfold his hand.
Alex tried to drag more air into her suddenly constricted lungs.
She opened her mouth to protest, even weakly, but Devon placed the
fabric over her eyes, simultaneously fixing his mouth over hers, and
140 Allyson Young
all coherent thought died. She felt Jeff tie off the blindfold and then
pull her arms behind her back. The kiss ended, leaving her gasping
and disoriented.
She was aware of the rustling sound of clothing being removed,
and the grasp on her arms was replaced by a different set of hands.
Devon. She knew his scent just as she knew Jeff s, and despair
churned her gut. More rustling sounds, and then she was moved.
* * * *
Devon regretted having to hold her arms to allow Jeff to pull his
own jeans off, but Alex seemed different, and he didn t know if she
would take the opportunity to remove the blindfold and push them
further into punishing her. God knew he wanted to beat her ass raw,
but his heart wanted her even more, wanted her heart and soul. When
he saw her in the diner, butchered hair in that defeated, shit-brown
color, yet with the shining blonde roots, looking so gaunt and sad yet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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