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dressing, the landing chime sounded.
Margot smiled, gesturing Jasmin to the other large seat and pointing Sonya to the jump seat behind the bathroom door.  If you think I've been harsh and
demanding until now, she said to them,  just wait until we're aboard Domina Mare."
Both slaves shivered with anticipation. Margot as Captain of Domina Mare was a formidable, demanding mistress, and they couldn't wait to resume
pleasuring her.
Once Margot was piped aboard, she sent both slaves and luggage to her cabin.  I have business to attend to, she told them.  Prepare my quarters and
yourselves for my arrival. Then she turned and went to the bridge to receive the reports of her officers.
Both slaves were naked and kneeling on the carpet when Margot joined them half an hour later. The bed was turned back, soft music played, the lights
were dimmed, and chilled champagne and a variety of hot and cold snacks were ready. Margot's luggage was nowhere in sight as Jasmin had unpacked
and properly attended to all of her belongings.
When Margot snapped her fingers, both slaves rose. Sonya took Margot's jacket and Jasmin poured her a glass of champagne which she presented on
her knees before Margot's easy chair.
 Lick each other until I tell you to stop, Margot ordered lazily, pulling her tie off and opening her collar.  I've been thinking about that ever since I got out of
the shower."
They were only too happy to obey. On the floor at Margot's feet, Jasmin on her back and Sonya reversed above her, they wickedly and thoroughly teased
one another until they were both wild with desire for release.
 Excellent, Margot nodded.  Now get over on your sides, and get your faces into each other's pussies, nice and deep. Then put your arms around each
The two horny slaves struggled into the required position while Margot watched. Unable to see, they heard a clinking sound. Swiftly, expertly, Margot
handcuffed each of them so that their embrace was permanent, at least until she decided otherwise.  Lick and kiss each other's caps and keep moving
so I can hear those handcuffs jingle. If you stop moving, I'll stimulate you, and you'll wish I hadn't. She watched to make sure they were writhing and
gasping audibly.  Good girls, she chuckled, going to open the door.
 Come in, Adrian, Margot said.  I hope you don't mind this variation on our usual arrangement."
 Not at all, Captain, came the young woman's eager voice.
Forbidden to remove their mouths from each other's clefts, Jasmin and Sonya slowly licked and kissed one another's wet, aching pussies and capped
clits while listening to their Captain and her lover undress one another and begin their love-making on the bed above them. Anxious to keep making
enough noise, they humped one another's faces, whimpering pathetically, keeping one another trapped at the edge of orgasm.
It wasn't long before Adrian was moaning and begging for the special pleasure she received only from her commanding officer. As Margot obliged her,
Adrian burst into screams of ecstasy and relief, followed by the usual protestations of love and gratitude, in accordance with her training.
After a few moments of cuddling and kissing, Jasmin and Sonya heard the women moving around in the bed, and then Margot's instructions to Adrian with
regard to eating her.
 Nice and slow, my darling, and don't stop without my permission. Those two have me quite excited."
 Yes, Captain, the young woman mumbled into the womanhood of her demanding superior. She didn't want to end up like the prisoners on the floor.
Margot turned her head so she could look down on her slaves, whose hips were pumping and whose tongues were working so furiously on one another
that she could actually hear them licking. Observing their frantic ministrations had Margot's own hips pounding Adrian's face in no time.
 Yes! Yes! she gasped.  Do me, do me, do me! She clutched at Adrian's hair and spasmed as she came, gushing. Howling, she demanded more of the
young sailor, who gladly gave it, struggling to swallow the rush of hot honey that sprang from Margot's cleft.
 Enough, enough, Margot finally grunted, pulling away.  That was lovely, Adrian, my darling. You were very good."
 Thank you, Captain, the young woman blushed.
 Help yourself to some champagne and canapés, Margot invited.  Oh, and just before you leave, release the prisoners, will you? She winked at Adrian
and tossed her the key.
Adrian got the message and took her time, eating, pouring champagne for her Captain, making idle chat about the ship. Finally she slipped into her robe
and bent over the squirming, groaning sex slaves.
She released them and handed the key to Margot who pulled her close for a long, warm kiss.  Until next time, my sweet, she murmured.
Margot waited until Adrian had let herself out, then rose and locked the door.  Take a break, you two, she ordered, separating them with her foot.
Sonya and Jasmin broke apart, panting with heat and exhaustion.
 Whenever you're able, Jasmin, you may join me in bed. Sonya, serve us and help yourself."
Jasmin crawled up into Margot's arms, where Margot kissed and whispered to her lovingly. She shared her glass with her concubine along with some
canapés, nodding to Sonya to resume her place on her knees on the floor.
 I know you're both tired, Margot smiled,  but I'm sure you don't want to sleep with those caps on, so you both have permission to beg for release.
Whoever is most convincing will come in bed and sleep with me. The runner-up will both come and sleep on the floor. Jasmin, you may go first."
Jasmin smiled a knowing smile. She knew that no matter what she said or did, she would win because Sonya was being disciplined. Yet, she made a
sincere effort. She slid to the floor at the foot of the bed and kissed Margot's bare feet. Then she took a deep breath and announced,  I humbly beg you to
give me release, Mistress. I will wear the cap, keep my place in the rotation and serve you as long as you will have me. Any woman who is fortunate
enough to make love with you twice a month has nothing to complain about. Thank you for taking me as your concubine. I have never been so honored.
She bowed her head and waited in silence.
Sonya, too, kissed Margot's feet.  Mistress, I know I don't deserve release at all. I beg you to forgive me. I will gladly come at your feet and sleep on the
floor, if it pleases you to show me mercy. If not, I will bear my discipline for as long as you require."
Margot smiled.  I am delighted with both of you. Jasmin, do you prefer to watch Sonya, or would you like to come first?"
 Oh, please, Mistress, let me watch, Jasmin begged eagerly.
 Of course. Sonya, on your back in front of my chair, hands at your sides. Jasmin, toss her a pillow, would you?"
Once Sonya was in place, Margot seated herself and motioned to Jasmin to kneel next to her chair. Then Margot probed Sonya's legs apart just enough
to knead the plastic cap with her toes.
Sonya began to moan and writhe in both torture and ecstasy.  Ah, Mistress, mercy, she groaned.  Please, please, take the cap off, I beg you. Oh,
Mistress, oh, God! she cried out, jerking. Her nails dug into the carpet.
Beside, the chair, Jasmin trembled in anticipation. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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