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arrangement of white and purple tulips, and Paul Dawson hugged his daughter, Tashi, before giving
her a bouquet of pink and white peonies.
As the husbands song faded out, and the orchestra began to play Deniece Williams  Black
Butterfly, the brides began their dazzling walk under their motorized trellises, toward their
husbands, whose eyes were fastened on them with tears streaming down their faces. They were
obviously mesmerized as they watched the stunningly exquisite loves of their lives, their prides and
joy, the mothers of their children, their soul mates with whom they would grow old, walk toward
them to freely and willingly offer themselves to them once more.
Lester looked around. There wasn t one dry eye in the church as those four amazing women made
their way to the front, shimmering in an aura of opulent beauty and class.
Finally, the wives stood in front of their husbands, gazing up at them through teary eyes.
 Who give these women to these men? Pastor Kelly asked.
 We do, the brides said in unison as they handed their bouquets to their Bridesmaids.
 And so, let it be duly noted, Pastor Kelly responded, to which everyone chuckled as the Father
Givers placed the wives hands into those of their husbands , before joining the families in the front
Pastor Kelly indicated for the audience to sit, and then for the next few minutes, Felicia, Lillian,
Azi, and Arabella, took turns reading short scriptures from the Holy Bible, short passages from Kahlil
Gibran s The Prophet, and from Love Poems of Rumi, after which Pastor Kelly asked the couples to
face the pulpit.
 Dearly Beloved, he began.  We re gathered here today before God, family, friends, and
acquaintances to witness the reaffirmation of the wedding vows of Erik and Michelle LaCrosse,
Bryce and Kaya Fontaine, Massimo and Shaina Andretti, and Adamo and Tashi Andreas& 
Twenty minutes, later the Pageboys stood in front of the couples and the husbands opened the
velvet boxes. Another series of Ohhs and Ahhs filled the room as the multitude of diamonds from the
duplicate platinum rings coruscated in the light from the skylight ceiling. Lester couldn t see them up
close but he was certain that the identical intricately designed platinum rings were elegant, and rightly
portrayed the purity, strength, and durability of the couples love and commitment to each other, just
as the inherent qualities of platinum itself signified.
The orchestra softly played  Give me Forever in the background. The husbands held their wives
right hands and while slipping the rings on their ring fingers, they said in unison,  With these four
rings, we thee wed. They embraced, gazed into each other s eyes, and sang the words of the song. It
was angelic and melodious. During the final chorus, they all walked to the center of the front, and
exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheeks while they finished singing their vows.
The aura of passion, love, devotion, and commitment was so thick between them, one couldn t cut
through it with a machete. Nothing, nothing in this world would ever separate these men from their
wives, or these friends from each other not even death itself.
They tuned to the audience and said,  As we ve just pledged ourselves to each other, we also
pledge our commitment to each and every citizen of Granite Falls. We are devoted to make this town
safer, friendlier, more prosperous, and the most coveted little town on the planet. As God is our
Pride and joy bubbled in Lester s heart as the guests most of whom were Granite Falls residents
who d won a lottery that placed them on the list of invitees came alive with shouts of cheers and
well wishes, and  We Love you Fabulous Four.
Eventually, Pastor Kelly raised his hand to silence the audience.  Husbands, you may kiss your
wives, he said, grinning from ear to ear.
With excited shouts, the men picked their grinning wives up off the floor, gathered them into their
arms and kissed them deeply and passionately, and as Ed Sheeran  Thinking Out Loud spilled from
the built-in surround sound system, they placed them back on the floor and the couples enjoyed their
first dance together, right there under the sacred pulpit of Granite Falls Community Church.
Okay, it was official, Lester Cobbs was jealous. He, like everyone else watching the couples waltz [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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