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certain that it had mixed well, and took it to him.
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Kissie nodded at Isbeth and turned back to Kynyr.  Try not to go through it
too fast. Mistress Aisha will be unhappy with me if too many bottles go
"Right. Kynyr opened it and took a big gulp.
"And you'll talk to Sheradyn?"
Kynyr rose from the table as his symptoms eased and walked out into the
garden. The shrubs and hedges looked dead in their late autumn retreat. He
could smell the approach of snow. It had already snowed twice, but melted
before noon. He had not left a gift on Tarrant's grave in weeks. At one time,
Kynyr had faithfully gone to the grave each time the moon changed its phases.
He found the headstone half buried in wind tossed debris and that bothered
him. His leg ached, so he gripped the headstone and started to lower himself
to the ground where he could sit and clear it away. Severe cramps began in his
stomach. He lost his grip, doubled over, and fell on his face. His chest felt
packed with stones and he had trouble breathing. He rolled onto his side,
clutching at his stomach and chest. A bloody vomit erupted from his throat. He
fumbled with the bottle of Poppy Milk and drank several swallows. This time it
brought no relief as he sobbed for air and vomited again.
As he finally managed to straighten himself, his gaze fell upon his hand and
arm. Red splotches ran from his palm to the inside of his elbow.
Black Mountain Fever.
His world crashed. He would not see his son born. Despair and a yawning sense
of desolation gripped him. There was still so much to be done to protect his
family. Death did not frighten him as much as dying while matters were still
"Tala, dear my god, let me live long enough to get the last of them. That's
all I ask."
He prayed a long time. The pain eased. Calm acceptance of his fate settled
over him.  I'm cadhbair imhaig."
A ghostly form walked from beneath the trees beyond Tarrant's grave, clothed
in mist and limned in white as pale as the snow. Kynyr shivered at her
approach and then recognized her as the spirit he had freed when he killed
Heironim Traxton.
"Be strong my wolf, she murmured.  The shadows obscure the truth, and you are
a prince of shadows."
"Am I truly cadhbair imhaig?"
The ghost sighed and it was like the sound of wind stirring the twigs of
sleeping trees at mid-winter.  You are indeed a deadmon walking. The Serpent
has killed you although you yet live. Be strong."
"Who are you?"
"In life, I was Brigit Silverpaw, Tarrant's first love. In death, I am a
fading memory. She turned wispy and blew away on an autumn breeze.
"I will be strong, Brigit. I will be."
Kynyr rose from Tarrant's grave and walked into the manor.
* * * *
Kady examined herself in the mirror.  What do you think, Mary? Do I look just
a little bit pregnant?"
"Just a little? Mary chuckled softly.  I'd say thoroughly. Is he kicking
"He's been doing that for a while. It feels so startling to have something
moving around inside me."
"Yeah, you're fat, Larena said in a bored tone.  At least you're married."
Mary caught the tiny wince in Kady's shoulders and changed the subject.
 You're quite the diplomat. If the Grand Master had been in residence, I bet
you'd have had an army marching to the relief of Red Wolf already."
"Actually, Stoneriver promised to bring military aid to Red Wolf."
"He's a bastard. Larena sprang to her feet and rushed out the door.  A
Kady glanced at Mary.  What was that all about?"
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"No idea."
"Next time we go to Creeya, I want to leave Larena behind. She did nothing but
embarrass me the entire time."
"Agreed. I'm certain Cahira will agree also."
Damayanti rose and stretched in the middle of Kady's bed. She scooped the cat
up and stroked her.  Such a pretty lady."
Kady set the cat down and dressed. She and Mary walked through the hallway
toward the kitchen and heard laughter coming from Cooley's room.
"Cooley's back to normal. Those new children are very good for him."
"Is Kynyr coming home tonight?"
Kady's eyes went worried and her brow furrowed.  Oh, Mary. I completely
"The curse. I have all the words to it. Don't ask how, but I have them. I was
supposed to show them to Kynyr and I completely forgot. It's been weeks."
"Show it to me?"
The door opened and Betrys came in holding Artair's hand.  Mother, Artair and
I have something to tell you."
"What? Mary eyed them suspiciously.
"We went to the Clerk of Records. We're married."
Mary's thoughts flew into disarray.  Where are you going to live?"
"The shop. Artair is going to help Gram with the shop."
"Did your Gram agree to this?"
* * * *
The last time that Lokynen came to Wolffgard, he had been accompanied by
Phelan the headmon of Three Stones Village after he, Hathura, and Meleajys
saved Phelan's village from attackers led by sa'necari. Phelan had introduced
him to his sister, Nathara, who rented him a house on the outskirts of
Wolffgard. So far Lokynen had not spent much time there, but he intended to
remedy that now.
Considering that Lokynen looked huge enough to roll an elephant up and bounce
him around like one of those inflated pig bladders the local children used as
balls for their games, he knew that there was absolutely no way he could ever [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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