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she walked naked through the open door.
Carth stood at the bottom of the stairs, as naked as she. Then she
saw Rylic and Elto standing in the middle of the room. They looked
up and Orola noticed the widening of their eyes when they saw her
naked body.
 I had a strange dream, Orola heard Neltie say. The young girl
stepped into Orola s field of vision. She wore a coarse robe, slightly
open in the front. When she saw Elto staring at her partially exposed
body, she blushed and pulled the robe closer around her slender form.
Rylic still stood staring at Orola. When she looked him in the
eyes, he dropped his gaze and looked away.
Then Orola saw them. The four naked bodies on the floor.
She walked down the stairs, ignoring her nakedness. Memory
flooded back; she stood beside Carth. The older man seemed
embarrassed by her closeness and put one of his hands down to cover
his groin.
 Something happened here last night, Carth said with a shaky
voice.  And it is best we forget about it.
The bodies of Firma and Lady Rhena looked as if they were
chiseled from stone. Their skin had turned completely white.
Orola gasped when she looked at the other bodies on the floor.
Rylic and Elto.
 How& ? she started and stared at the two standing in front of
 Kiir-nymphs, explained Rylic and sank into one of the chairs.
 Watch, he said.  They re almost ready.
Midnight Raunch
Suddenly the body of Lady Rhena split open with a sharp crack.
From between her breasts emerged a small head, a pair of slim arms
and then a fragile body followed.
The creature was pure white, almost translucent. About half the
size of its host-body.
Large, green eyes looked out of a small beautiful elfin face.
The other three bodies split open and three more of the creatures
emerged. Long, transparent wings unfolded from their backs and
trailed behind them as they walked across the carpet.
All four looked at the watching Humans. Then they smiled and
emitted high-pitched, twittering sounds. One of them walked up to
Carth, reached out and gently touched his hand.
Then they walked out of the door.
Orola heard their twittering voices as they took to the sky.
Kiir. The beautiful creatures of the clouds. She had heard of
them, but never seen them before. Never knew how they came into
Until now.
 There are two more down by the pond, Rylic said, looking
again at Orola, desperately trying not to stare at her strutting breasts
or her fluffy black triangle.  One looks like Neltie, the other one like
 The nymphs take on the shape of people they see in the minds of
the people they meet. Once they take a person s form, their own mind
draws from the mind pattern of the one they mimic. Even if that other
person is far away. It doesn t make any difference, Carth explained.
 They have the ability to cloud your thoughts. You ll never know
the one you re with is not the real one. They need us Humans to enter
the next stage in their lifecycle. Once they have you in their power,
you are helpless. You do what they want.
 But they are not evil, Rylic interrupted his father.  They don t
just take. They also give.
 What do they give? Elto asked, his eyes traveling unashamed
across Orola s nude body. She didn t care. He had seen her naked
before. She noticed the bulge in his pants and smiled.
She also saw Rylic s.
 They give incredible pleasure, Rylic said, the gaze of his eyes
flicking towards Orola s pubic area.  They also give healing and
Midnight Raunch
 I know about that, Elto said proudly.  Lady Rhena and I&  He
stopped and looked at Neltie, who blushed under his scrutinizing
 It wasn t real, she gasped.  They were fakes.
 They were real enough, Carth said and looked at Orola.  Some
things were too real, but they happened. There is no denying that. He
turned and walked up the stairs.
Orola could not miss his half-erect penis, which he tried to cover
up. Looking back at the split bodies on the floor, she noticed
something peculiar. They were beginning to shrink and lose their
As she watched, they dissolved, leaving only a handful of fine
crystalline powder behind.
Orola looked at Neltie.  Will you come down to the pond with
me? I left my clothes there and I d like to pick them up.
Neltie nodded and followed Orola outside.
 I still feel kind of strange inside, Neltie said after awhile.  I
feel so& 
 Sexually aroused? Orola smiled.  So do I.
 But you re older and more mature, Neltie protested.  I
shouldn t have feelings like that. Especially towards Rylic and Elto.
 They are males. Young and virile males with raging hormones.
You are female. Young, attractive, with your own raging hormones.
Orola laughed.  It is only natural.
 But they are my cousins. Distant cousins, as Elto likes to point
out, but still cousins. Neltie put her hands over her face.  Things will
never be the same again. Even though I know it wasn t really them
and it wasn t me they did it with.  She gave Orola a sidelong glance.
 Elto, I mean the real Elto, and I, we did it once. Only because he was
pestering me and I admit, I was curious, but I never did it with Rylic. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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