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perhaps even before that. The next morning when she woke up, Gary came to tell her Charlie was
missing from the morning roll call he had instituted. She had appropriated a spot away from the food
machine but still in sight of it, a little alcove in the big rock she made into her  office". The others had
named it for her and it was already a symbol of her leadership.
"What does Dorothy say? Have you talked to her?"
"I looked her up before I came to you. She says they had an argument and haven't been speaking since.
Gary shrugged.  I guess she's right; I haven't seen them together the last day or so. No big loss, if you
ask me."
Lyda wasn't so sure about that.  It depends on where he went. I had hoped we could keep this place to
ourselves for the time being and bring others in gradually. If he goes to one of the gangs..."
Gary rubbed his whiskers.  There's that. Anyway, Dorothy told me she was getting ready to leave him
before all this happened."
"That's more than she told me, Lyda said.
"Yeah. Lots of things adults talk about you don't hear. Not necessarily trying to keep secrets from you,
but some of them still think of you as a child."
"Iam a child, Lyda said, suddenly on the brink of tears. Angrily, she shook her head.  I hadn't even had
a date yet, but damn it, no sooner was I was dumped out here when I got ... raped. And then ... then I
was going to be traded like a piece of meat to a damn pervert of some kind, like the ones who kidnap
little girls and kill them after doing all kinds of bad stuff to them. I'm having to grow up sooner than I
thought I would."
"So that's how it was. Miss Brightner, all I can say is that I'm sorry as hell it happened to you. And
listen you are growing up fast. Kids have to in this sort of environment. Just try to remember that most
people are okay if you give them a chance but most people will also go whichever way the wind blows.
You're the wind right now; most of the folks here will follow you because you're doing a good job
regardless of your age. Stay with it."
"I intend to, Lyda said.  I'm not going to let anyone go through what I had to that first day, not if I can
help it."
Gary was silent for a moment, thinking.  You know, it wouldn't hurt to let everyone know what
happened to you and that you managed to not only escape, but get this place organized and functioning
like a group should. It would help enhance your status."
"I guess it's all right. It's not like I have to go to school tomorrow and face the titters and talk like one girl
I knew did. Her folks finally moved away because of it. Lyda sighed. So many things to think about.
Gary made a motion to leave but Lyda stopped him.  I didn't get a chance to talk to the new people the
scouts brought in after we got them settled down. What do you think of them? Are they good people?"
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"Sorry, I should have informed you. Yeah, me and Jimmy talked to most of the men and Maryanne
talked to the women. They're just regular folks for the most part, and a lot of them are still grieving for
lost kids or wives or husbands or so on, like most of us."
Lyda suddenly felt small. She had been so absorbed in her own trauma and the pressing demands after
her ascension to a leadership position that she hadn't had time to think much about her own lost
parents or to dwell on the fact that most of the people in her camp must have lost members of their
own families.  I'm sorry, Gary. I should have thought of that."
"That most everyone has had something bad happen to them, or to someone in their family. I'm not the
only one, but I've been thinking like I was. That's wrong."
Gary nodded solemnly.  Maybe, but perfectly natural. And you've been acting to protect others, which
shows what's been in your mind. Like I said at first; your instincts are right, even when you don't know
why you're doing some things. I can tell you for a fact, that's rare. You're a good person; don't ever
doubt it."
"Thanks, Gary. Mom and Dad always tried to teach me right from wrong, even when I didn't always
listen very well."
"They did a good job. Listen, I need to get going. I'm going to break us up into squads today and run
through some practice defensive measures. Why don't you give me an hour or so, then come watch and
"You don't need supervision for that. You know a whole lot more about it than I do."
"The folks will like it if you're there. And you need to see what we're doing, if you don't mind me saying
so. You'll learn a bit about how to organize units for fighting."
"You're right. Call me when you're ready. I'm going to talk to Dorothy and see if she has any idea about
what Charlie was thinking when he left."
"He says he knows where there's another food machine, Big Bill. Do you want to see him?"
The man called Big Bill was sitting regally on an upturned tub shaped into a seat, surveying his domain.
He still held a rock streaked with dried blood in one hand. He kept it in sight to let even his homeboys
know he didn't mind using it. The fight with the Rocky Mount gang was over. They wouldn't be back, but
neither did he want to pursue them. Let them have their little spot. He already had enough problems,
what with deserters, recalcitrant women and a shortage of supplies. He needed to branch out, find easier
pickings, get the losers organized, then maybe go back after the Rockies and take over their food and
water source.
At first, this had seemed to be a drop made to order for a tough ex-con. The strong rule the weak,
always, when no other authority is present. He figured a former con would have easy pickings but it
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wasn't all a good ballin layout like he thought it would be at first, despite the lack of porch monkeys like
he had to live with inside, hatin on you  cause of your white skin. The food bricks were okay, but they
only came in one flavor from each spot. To get variety, you either had to trade or conquer. Same as the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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