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hurt, the anger was slipping away while her insides turned to mush. She took a deep breath, let it out
slowly, and forced her hungry stare away from his hypnotic eyes.
"Take me to the village. I want to see what it's like." She needed a space from him, breathing room. She
needed a semblance of normalcy and a reprieve from the continual sexual assault on her senses.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking thoughtful. "All right, we'll go, but just remember I'm as on
edge as a male leopard when a female is& "
She whipped her head around, glared at him, provoked beyond endurance. "Don't you dare say I'm in
heat. I amnot in heat!" She flushed a bright scarlet, stepped away from the temptation of his masculine
body. "What a thought!" Though she'd been thinking it herself. She had all the signs of a feline in heat, but
Brandt saying the words aloud was humiliating. Suddenly her eyes widened and her hand went to her
throat. "Wait a minute. Are you implying I can conceive? Is that it? I'm ovulating and I want to have sex
because I can conceive?"
She backed hastily away from him as if he might contaminate her. When he started to follow her she
pointed an accusing finger at him. "You stay right over there, away from me.Far away from me."
He was grinning at her and Maggie found herself staring at his mouth, fascinated. Intrigued. Her mouth
curved in an answering smile in spite of her intentions to be serious. "It isn't funny. Stay over there where
I know I'm perfectly safe and explain this to me. Do& " What in the world did they call themselves? "Do
leopard-people only have sex when the female ovulates?"
Brandt burst out laughing. "You're looking disappointed, Maggie, which I'm thankful for. No, we are a
highly sexual race and lovemaking is frequent. But, yes, when our mate nears the time of ovulation, the
need becomes much more intense. Sex can be rough. That's why I was concerned with your being a
virgin, not because it displeased me." His gaze was hot as it moved over her. Possessive. "We'll get
around it."
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"We won't need to get around it! You aren't coming near me! I'm not getting pregnant. I'm not! So you
can just stop looking at me like that. Unless you have a box full of protection, you can forget it." She felt
wild, upset, needy. Raging hormones out of control. She felt sorry for every female cat she had ever
come into contact with. "Weren't you even going to tell me?"
"Eventually. I'm taking things slow, letting you get used to the idea of what you are. It carries a certain
responsibility with it." He shrugged his wide shoulders, and she nearly groaned at the way his muscles
rippled enticingly.
"I'll say." She glared at him when she wanted to fling herself at him and beg him to rip her clothes off.
The village was the only safe place. They needed people, not privacy, not an exotic rain forest with its
flowers and trees and steamy assault on the senses. "Get away from me, Brandt. I'm feeling extremely
catlike toward you just about now, and raking my claws down your face seems a good idea." Raking her
claws down his body would be better. Over his back. Clinging to him. The image the words evoked sent
her body pulsing with need.
He saw it in her expression, inhaled her beckoning scent. Male satisfaction gleamed in his eyes.
Maggie rubbed her hands up and down her thighs. "For heaven's sake, do we have litters? Cubs?
Inquiring minds want to know." She couldn't stand still, she couldn't think clearly. Another wave of need
was rushing through her body like a fireball.
Brandt's gaze narrowed, focused on her completely. He simply reached out and caught her hand.
"Neither one of us is in any shape to go visiting, Maggie. You're going to have to trust me to know what
to do."
Night was falling fast as it often did in the rain forest. She felt tired and muggy and her clothes felt
uncomfortable against her skin. She could tell she was getting edgy, wanting to rake at Brandt. The best
thing was to be alone, somewhere quiet and soothing.
Chapter 6
Maggie woke unbearablyhot, a soft cry of protest on her lips. She heard the echo of the haunting
sound as she lay in the dark room with her heart beating too fast and her mind racing. The room was
pitch black, yet her vision was remarkably good. Instead of reassuring her, the fact left her curling her
fingers in the sheets. Her body had awakened her with urgent need, burning for relief so that she couldn't
control her restless shifting.
It was only then that she thought to inhale. At once she went still, her stomach flipping and hot liquid heat
surging through her body in instant invitation. She smelled fruit and the musky scent of a male.Her male.
Brandt. She would know that masculine scent anywhere, a blend of outdoor and spice. She knew
immediately he was as aroused as she was.
Maggie moistened her lips. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking at you." The words were soft, seductive. Truthful. His voice came from the chair positioned in
the deepest corner opposite from her. "Watching over you."
She smiled in the dark. "Do I need watching over?" The thought of his eyes on her, intense and burning,
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was a powerful aphrodisiac. She moved along the sheets, trying to get comfortable when every nerve
ending was alive and sizzling with awareness.
"You were moaning in your sleep. The sound tore me up." Brandt was sprawled out in the chair, his long
legs stretched in front of him, his eyes devouring her. He had positioned the chair at the best advantage to
watch her. She was so beautiful, so real, lying on his bed, all lush curves and gleaming skin. He ached to
hold her. To lap his tongue along her throat and in the deep valley between her breasts, to swirl it in that
intriguing little belly button he had such difficulty tearing his gaze from.
She belonged in the house. Here with him. The sight and sound of her, thescent of her completed him.
He had to clear his throat of the unexpected lump clogging it so he could speak. "There's fruit on the tray
there if you're thirsty or hungry. It was hot so I brought ice in the small insulated bucket."
Maggie sat up, pushed at the hair tumbling around her face. "You're always taking care of me, Brandt. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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