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when Mr. Emerson arrives. I know he ll want to go over the job in more detail with you.
Hope and excitement rushed through her. The fact the boss might still be interested was a good
sign. Once she was settled in the lobby, Agnes disappeared down the hall. A stack of magazines,
mostly involving investment strategies, sat on the table next to her. Em picked up one and searched for
something interesting to read.
A few minutes later, the door buzzer sounded, signaling a new arrival. She looked up and froze.
Holy howls. It was Wade dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt, looking amazingly hot.
She jumped up.  What are you doing here?
Chapter Eight
WADE HOPED HE hadn t made a mistake. Many times this past year, Agnes had told him she wanted to
retire, but he d been able to talk her out of it. When Emmaline lost her job, he decided he could
finally grant Agnes her wish. His biggest problem was whether Emmaline would hold it against him
that he hadn t told her who he was or what he did for a living but he had his reasons.
 Hi, Emmaline. He didn t want to tell her he was surprised to see her there because he was
through with lying or at least he would be in a moment.  I m here to see the boss.
Technically, that was true since he was the boss, and he d be looking at a mirror to make sure he
looked good for her interview. Unfortunately, the animal in him was working hard to come out, and he
hoped he could make it into his office before he gave into his urges. He d like nothing more than to
taste her, but if he touched her, he d want it all.
Not wanting her to ask any more questions, he headed toward the hallway.
She called after him,  The boss isn t back yet.
Wade held up a hand to indicate he d heard.  I ll sit in his office and wait for him.
If he looked over his shoulder and saw her face, he d cave. She d either be concerned for his
welfare, or be angry that he d barged in ahead of her, but that was the chance he d have to take. What
that woman did to him. If that reaction didn t convince him she was his mate, nothing would.
As soon as he stepped into his office, he rushed over to his closet where he kept his suit. Too
often he drove in from Pittsburgh and had to clean up and change before he met with clients. He tore
off his T-shirt, and just as he picked up his white button down shirt, the door eased open a door he
must have failed to close completely. It was Emmaline. Now it was his turn to freeze.
 Wade, you shouldn t be in here, she whispered.  And why are you half-naked?
He wanted to keep it light.  Are you worried about me?
When she charged up to him, he wanted to kiss her more than anything. He d already discussed his
attraction to Emmaline with his father, and how she had the scent of a bear. His dad s first words
were to ask if she were pregnant. Wade denied it at first, but now, more than ever, he could smell his
own breed in her. As disappointed as he was that she hadn t confided in him, she might not even
know herself.
 I am, but why are you here? She plucked the clean shirt from his hand, set it on the desk, and
handed him back his T-shirt.
As much as he wanted to taste and ravish her again, he needed to come clean. With his T-shirt in
hand, Wade sat on the edge of his desk.  We need to talk.
She looked behind her, probably to make sure the real boss wouldn t walk in.  Not here, we
can t.
She looked so adorable being confused.  Yes, we can.
She stepped closer, yanked his arm, and tugged.  Come on. I m supposed to have an interview as
Mr. Emerson s personal assistant, and I can t afford to mess this up.
He smiled.  Don t worry. You have the job.
 You don t know that.
 Yes, I do because I m Mr. Emerson and I m hiring you.
She stepped back, her mouth slightly parted. What he wouldn t give to kiss her right now, but he
wanted to see her reaction to the news first.
 Did you just say you re Mr. Emerson?
 Yes. My real name is Wade Emerson Black. Emerson was my mother s maiden name. I chose
that instead of Black Investments so that people wouldn t confuse me with my father.
She retreated, but when her legs hit the chair, she dropped down, clearly in some kind of shock.
 Why didn t you tell me?
 Because I wanted you to like me for who I was and not because I m rich. He always believed
the women in Pittsburgh who chased him were mostly after his wealth.
She glanced to the side.  Were you ever going to tell me?
That was a good one.  I ll toss back the same question to you. Were you ever going to tell me
you re pregnant with my child?
Her mouth opened.  Burke told you?
 Burke knew?
Crap.  I confided in Tasha, and I figured she d have told Burke. I was going to tell you when I
saw you next.
 No one had to tell me. I m a bear. I can smell and sense my kind inside you.
Her eyes darted around the room, panic written on her face.  How long have you known? Her
hand shot to her belly.
Seeing her so maternal shook him.  I suspected on our first date. As soon as I walked into your
house and came near you, I thought I detected the bear in you. Then when I drove you to Mr.
Francolini s house, your scent was even stronger.
 Why didn t you say something?
 It s your body. I wanted you to make the decision as to when you told me.
She covered her mouth.  I didn t even know on our first date. Her hand shook, and then she
lowered it.  If you could detect the bear in me, does that mean I m having a boy?
 No, it just means that part of me is in you. Her body trembled, and Wade could no longer take
it. He slid off the desk, raced over to her, and lifted her to a stand. He then wrapped his arms around
She planted her palms on his naked chest, her fingers searing his skin.  I understand why you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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