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one of her favorites and settled back to watch.
As the movie played on, her thoughts began to go through the items that she needed to take care of
before she returned to Jawhara in six weeks. The first order of business was to check in on Erin and
make sure that she would be able to handle the rent payments by herself for a while. Kale seemed
certain that Kamal would be bringing Erin to Jawhara soon, but her cousin was stubborn and not
likely to give up her independence so easily.
She would have to arrange for her belongings to be shipped, stored, or sold. Her Uncle and Aunt
would be returning from their world cruise about the time she was due to fly back to Jawhara and she
hoped that they would be supportive of her decision to return with Kale.
They had raised her from the time she was ten and they were as much her parents as they were
Erin s. They had always told her to follow her heart, and she only hoped that they meant it. The last
thing she wanted to do was disappoint them.
When she heard the captain announce that they were approaching Dulles Airport, she shut the
movie off and joined Kale on the couch where he was still immersed in his computer. Seeing the
frown on his face, she inquired,  Is everything okay?
Kale looked at the beautiful young woman sitting next to him, and tried to push the worry from his
mind as he nodded and gave her a smile. More intelligence reports had come in during their flight that
told of a group of dissidents from the neighboring country who had tried to cross the border into
Jawhara with weapons. Luckily they had been apprehended, but the leader had promised more attacks
were on their way.
He hoped Kamal could get an agreement figured out for the return of the refugees, and soon. New
threats had been made and he feared that desperation would make the dissenter s act irrationally. That
could mean any number of things, but it could also put Shira in danger once they realized his
attachment to her was real.
As soon as they landed, he intended to contact Slade and make sure his team was already on the
case. He had a bad feeling about this situation and only hoped that things would settle down before
they became too volatile.
Chapter 15
It was early evening in Washington D.C. when the private jet landed at Dulles, and while Kale
tried to contact Slade, Shira spent time trying to get ahold of Erin. When she didn t answer at their
apartment, she tried her office only to find out that she had left early, not feeling well again.
Shira was growing more concerned and tried her cousin s cell phone, which went straight to her
voice mail. She spoke of her concerns to Kale and he agreed to have the driver take them to her
apartment immediately after they finished passing through customs.
On the way across town, Kale s phone rang and he answered it, speaking quickly in Arabic so
Shira knew it was someone from Jawhara on the line. He spoke to the other person for several
minutes before disconnecting the call and then sitting back with the strangest look upon his face.
Leaning forward, he spoke to the driver, instructing him to change their course and take them to
an upscale restaurant instead of the apartment Shira shared with Erin.
 Kale? she questioned him, wondering what had changed.
 Well, that was Kamal on the phone. It would seem that your cousin s illness& 
 Wait! What s wrong with Erin? Kale, do you know where she is? Please take me to her& 
Shira was close to tears at the thought of Erin being ill and all alone.
 Habibiti, he hushed her, pulling her into his arms and wrapping his arms around her,  Calm
yourself. Talib is bringing your cousin to the airport as we speak and will be taking her directly to
Jawhara where Kamal had the palace physician waiting to evaluate her.
 No! Kale, I want to see her. We have good doctor s here in the states& 
 Whoa! Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with Erin that several months will not take care of.
He paused, wondering if her quick mind would catch on to where this conversation was heading.
 You mean& ? Shira asked, her eyebrows raised and her eyes wide open.
 Yes. It seems that in around eight months, I am to become an uncle.
 Erin s pregnant? That s why she hasn t been feeling well! Shira was at once relieved and
concerned.  But, what will happen now. And why is Kamal having her brought to Jawhara?
 Shira, think about it. Your cousin is carrying the future ruler of Jawhara in her belly. Do you
honestly think, having spent time getting to know my brother, that he would allow the mother of his
child to raise his child alone, or without his input?
 No& but, doesn t Erin get a say in all of this?
 Of course she does. I m sure Kamal will politely ask her to become his bride.
 And if she says  No ?
 What do you think? Kale asked with a grin on his lips.
Shira shook her head, glad that she was on this side of the world. Erin liked her independence
and she imagined having it taken away from her was going to be full of fireworks and tension.  I think
your brother doesn t know how stubborn my cousin can be.
Kale laughed and agreed,  Well, I believe he will be finding out shortly. Now, how about I take
you to dinner and then to the hotel. There will be plenty of time tomorrow to get started on that list I
know you already have formed in your mind. Kale tapped her forehead with his fingertips for
Shira nodded her head and grinned at him,  You know it. There are so many things to do in such a
short amount of time& 
 About that. I suspect Kamal may want us to return sooner& .
 Than six weeks?! No, Shira said, shaking her head emphatically,  That s not possible. My
uncle and aunt won t even be back yet. I have to see them!
 All will be taken care of. I will fly Erin s parents to Jawhara if I need to. But we will be going
back to Jawhara, and anything we don t get finished up can be handled via email or courier. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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